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  • Alberta: A second open letter to Mario Charpentier



    Author’s note: Mario Charpentier is 1st vice-president of the Alberta Soccer Association. He is considered to be the man in charge of soccer in Alberta, following the deposing of ASA president Chris Billings last April.

    Hello again, sir.

    Well, my first attempt at getting your side of this story went unanswered.

    That’s cool. I give everyone a second chance.

    Here’s yours:


    (As before, any answers you offer will be on the record, and will be published on this site. You can always reach me – benknight103 at yahoo.ca)

    1) You’ve been called – on multiple fronts – a “professional volunteer.” Are you, in fact, earning a living from your soccer work?

    2) Why did you feel it was necessary to remove Chris Billings from his elected role as Alberta Soccer Association president?

    3) Why has it been necessary to suspend so many people – and districts – since you became acting ASA president?

    4) Doesn’t the sheer number of suspensions – and the fact that medals were actually withheld from youth players at tournaments in the affected districts – suggest that a new election needs to be called?

    5) What role – if any – did you play in recent changes to the proposed CSA governance model, which would now allow three provincial soccer association presidents to retain their seats on the CSA board?

    6) Is it your ambition, or intention, to hold one of those three seats?

    I hope you understand that this is now a very public discussion, which will continue whether you answer these questions or not.

    Soccer people throughout Alberta – and across Canada – are deeply concerned about the present ASA situation, and its implications for the future of soccer governance in this country.

    I am trying very hard to keep an open mind in this matter, sir. Your prompt and honest response will help things greatly.



    Alberta: Bound

    An open letter to Mario Charpentier

    An open letter to Chris Billings

    An open letter to Mike Traficante

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