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  • A full replay is wrong


    Okay, by the rules as written, there’s no question the Vancouver Whitecaps and Toronto FC have to go back to the beginning and do a complete replay of last night’s lightning-interrupted second leg of the Voyageurs Cup final.

    27. f. If the match is interrupted before the completion of normal playing time or extra time (if required) because of extreme weather or for reasons outside the control of the host team, a repeat match lasting 90 minutes shall be arranged for the following day, thus avoiding the considerable extra expense for the visiting team. If it is still impossible to play the match the next day for the same reasons, the match may be postponed by another day, provided both teams agree. If the match can still not be played on the third day, the expenses thus incurred by the visiting team shall be split between the two teams.

    The rule is clear. But I also deeply feel the rule is wrong.


    Despite heavy rain and natural fireworks, the Reds and ‘Caps put in 63 minutes of legitimate professional work at the BMO Basin last night. Vancouver – desperately unlucky not to be well ahead after dominating last week’s opener and settling for a 1-1 draw – finally pulled ahead on an Eric Hassli marker, and were half an hour away from their first Canadian club championship.

    Now, it’s as if last night never happened.

    A hugely lucky escape for Toronto FC – potentially – but let’s weigh the pros and cons to the actual game of soccer.

    Both teams have MLS matches on Saturday. Vancouver’s starts a few hours later, but they have to cross the continent to get there.

    Clearly, neither team would choose to play any soccer at all today, but if the pitch is playable at 11 AM this morning, that’s exactly what they’ll be forced to do.

    Wouldn’t it be better, fairer – and more respectful to the effort both sides put out last night – to pick the match up where it left off, in the 63rd minute, with Vancouver up a goal?

    Half an hour’s play today is already a huge ask. An entire 90 minutes seems short-sighted – almost punitive.

    Obviously, it’s not that simple. Inevitably, there will be players who were in the match at the end last night who will not be able to bounce back, physically, in time to go all-out this morning. But can’t a way be found to tinker with the substitution rules, or allow a couple of extra bodies on each bench?

    No, it won’t be ideal. It might not be the cleanest of clean results. But the game that was played last night happened, folks. If the fireworks had held off another 12 minutes and TFC still hadn’t equalized, it would have been official.

    Both the integrity of the competition and the physical well-being of both teams are being compromised by pretending last night didn’t happen.

    Again, under the rules drafted for this competition, there is no choice in the matter.

    But there should have been.

    Last night was a mess, and no mistake about it. But it’s a mess that should be respected – and ought to count.


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