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  • Time to invest in a labor/immigration lawyer



    Update: Toronto FC has officially announced the signing of Alen Stevanovic

    Given the number of Toronto FC players who have been delayed joining the club, based on passport/visa issues this season, it seems like now would be a good time to invest in a good labor immigration lawyer. Or fire the one they have.

    The latest player caught up in paperwork is Alen Stevanovic - a Serbian midfielder currently plying his trade for Torino in Seria B.


    Canadian Soccer News has learned that Toronto FC is waiting on his visa papers to clear before he joins MLS on loan. No timetable has been given for the resolution.

    Given Toronto's lack of depth in the midfield and that many of the breakdowns in Vancouver began because of possession lost on the wings, Stevanovic's arrival (hell any midfielder's arrival) can't come soon enough. Plus, he'd be one of the few who could put in a decent cross at this point.

    While Toronto gets it sorted out, here is some Stevanovic pron to tied you over. His willingness to run at players and beat them down the wing to complete the cross are two things to like. As is his diving in the box...

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