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  • 'This is a nasty bunch of corrupt men'


    "This is nasty little bunch of corrupt men who steal from FIFA who brutalize FIFA and they get away with it because of dumb football association like the United States Football Federation, the Canadian federation ... they all just won’t say anything."

    That was Andrew Jennings, the man behind the Panorama World Cup vote rigging report earlier this year, speaking to It's Called Football on Monday about alleged corruption at FIFA and the passive football federations who allow it.

    Jennings didn't mince words either when asked about the Canadian Soccer Association and the United States Soccer Federation's response to the latest allegations leveled against CONCACAF general secretary Chuck Blazer.


    "It’s about time Canadian sport officials and football officials stood up and said ‘What are you doing CONCACAF? Why are you kissing his (Blazer's) posterior?” Jennings asked. "It’s a dirty mess run by crooks and every national association should be standing up and saying ‘we’ve had enough of this. We’re embarrassed by that joke election.’ And I suppose the Canadians like the Americans voted for Blatter in that one horse race. Continental football should rise up and throw these bums out."

    Jennings turned his withering glare on the Canadian soccer media for its lack of questioning of the CSA on its vote (or non-vote) for Blatter, in the last presidential election.

    "People belonging to the Canadian federation should be interrogated by the media. ‘Did you vote for Blatter? Why did you vote for Blatter? Aren’t you embarrassed? You’re shaming Canada by doing this. They can’t get away with this much longer. The same with the spineless U.S. soccer federation keeping its mouth shut because its leader Sunil Gulati wants to replace Jack Warner. Warner’s gone. Gualti wants the top job at CONCACAF. How does he get it? Don’t say a word... Gualti is not corrupt, but he’s patronizing and allowing corruption. It’s a disgrace."

    He finished by appealing to the local clubs and grassroots organizations to demand change and accountability of their own federation and leadership.

    "The (Canadian) leadership is not standing up for anything except those nice trips to Zurich and talking big. It is up to the rural counties, it is for the grassroots organizations across the land to say ‘hey! how dare you vote for Blatter in our name. He’s scum. He’s disgusting... we need uprising from grassroots to throw those bums out and elect leaders with the cojones to go to Zurich and say to Blatter, “we don’t like you, we don’t want you, we wouldn’t vote for you again."

    You can listen to the full interview here.

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