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  • Rock the Pitch 2012



    If you haven't heard, the Athletes for Africa Rock the Pitch tournament has upped the stakes for this year's event.

    In addition to the normal giveaways for fundraisers, two of the main participants are putting their pride on the line to help raise money for this terrific charity.

    James Sharman of the Footy Show and Eon Sinclair of Bedouin Soundclash have now decided to go head-to-head to see who can raise the most money for Rock the Pitch. The bet? Loser dresses as a baby in the opening match of the tournament.

    The Canadian Soccer News community have been big supporters of this event over the past few years - making us one of the top fundraisers each year we've entered - but this year, due to prior engagements I won't be able to go. Daniel Squizzato will be making his return and I encourage you to support him.

    But I wanted to up the stakes in the Sharman v Sinclair bet and really encourage people to get behind this cause.

    That's why I'm donating $500 to Team Sinclair. It's nothing against Sharman - love that guy - but I really don't know Eon and didn't think it would be fair to put someone you don't really know through that kind of torture. Sorry Sharms, the price of my friendship, I guess.

    And just to be clear, this isn't the kind of money that I can typically throw around. But I did happen to have some funds stashed to do a skydiving trip later this summer and if I'm being honest about it, that's something I can live without. While I was looking forward to that trip, I'm pretty sure that money will be better suited going to the A4A programs that promote development in communities who needed it the most. If you want more info on their programs check it out here.

    And if you're considering giving to Rock the Pitch this year, perhaps put it in that same framework - what frills can you afford to go without so that others can have the basics?

    To donate to Team Sharman

    To donate to Team Sinclair


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