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  • Q & A with with Christina Julien



    By: Alyssa Ally

    Christina Julien is one of the many young players on the Canadian women's squad who has little experience, but you couldn't tell it by the way she plays. I had the chance to catch up with the 23-year-old forward to discuss her career, the up coming Women's World Cup and where she sees herself going with the national team in the years ahead.


    In February 2009 when you got the call from Andrea Neil to come train with the national team, what was going through your head at that moment?

    I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. It happened so fast and at the most random time that it felt so surreal. To even get a chance to tryout was like a dream that became true. I didn't have a lot of time to think about it considering I had a plane to catch in four hours.

    Having never played for Canada at any level, were you familiar with the girls on the team? Describe your first day training with the full national squad back then.

    I had heard about a lot of the girls in training camp but I had never actually met any of them. The first day was extremely intimidating. I remember first being introduced to the team and I think my hands were shaking the whole time. My first session was after arriving at the hotel at 3 a.m from my flight and getting up at 8 a.m for breakfast. I don't remember sleeping much that night either. My mind was exhausted but the adrenaline kicked in for my first session. We ended up doing a bunch of new drills that I had never seen before and I was terrified of messing up on my first day. The one thing that does stick out in my mind were the one vs one drills that we did near the end and my first go at it was against (Christine) Sinclair. I ended up winning the challenge (she was probably exhausted considering it was her 10th or so day of camp) because it doesn't happen often, but I thought to myself for the first time that I could actually do this.

    There are 27 days remaining until Canada kicks off vs Germany in the 2011 Women’s World Cup, what’s the emotion of the team as June 26th nears?

    We are all very excited. You can see that there is a bounce in our step. We seem very focused and are using these last few weeks to prepare ourselves to our maximum capability. We are a very close knit group and I can honestly call my teammates my family. Everyone is working their hearts out for each other so that when it comes down to it, we are prepared to get Canada the results that we deserve.

    Men’s or women’s--is there any player in the world you'd love to play along side with?

    Messi, Messi, Messi. I would just love to be a part of a give and go play with him. It would be as easy as eating pie.

    You’ve been playing under Caroline Morace for two years now, what’s one of the best things you’ve learned from her that’s improved your overall game?

    I have learned so much in these past two years, that the list could go on and on. The best thing I would say is how to prepare your body and your mind for games. There's so much detail that goes into being focused and physically prepared and she's very meticulous about it.

    To date, who’s been the biggest influence in your life?

    Easily, my parents and my family. As a kid you don't realize the amount of effort that goes into putting your kid in sports. I honestly don't know how they did it and I am forever grateful for the support that they have shown me throughout the years. Not once did they force me to do anything, they just constantly provided for a girl that fell in love with the game. Also, a little shout out to my trainer and family friend back home, Jeff Gibbs who also had a huge influence on the direction of my soccer career. He busted my butt into shape my sophomore year of college and that's when everything changed for me. My coaches at JMU have had a huge influence. And lastly, obviously Carolina Morace and the coaching staff for Team Canada for giving me a chance, believing in me and for teaching me how to succeed at the international level.

    If you weren’t playing soccer, what’s the one thing you’d focus the majority of your time on?

    Coaching soccer. I would love to become a Div. 1 college coach.

    Facing tough teams in the preliminary stages of the World Cup, what are some aspects of the game Canada has to focus on to ensure a berth in the second round?

    We just have to focus on the game plan that we are given. We have a lot of trust in Carolina (Morace) so it's just a matter of putting her principles into action.


    What is the current status of the player’s compensation issue with the CSA?

    Yah, I can't say. Sorry

    Being part of the national team for just over two years and having loads of success both personally and as a team, what has been the highlight so far?

    Winning the CONCACAF tournament was a huge highlight and only a taste of what this team is capable of. Another highlight was starring in my first cap and scoring on my first shot while wearing the red and white.

    Where does the nickname “Corky” come from?

    When I was a kid (13) I used to have short hair and I let the girls on my team put like 20 small ponytails all over my head so they kind of looked like a bunch of corks. So one day, as a team (Cornwall Blazers) we were watching a team play soccer and this girl was nicknamed Corky. So they decided to nickname me Corky based on my current hair style which I am not ashamed of. (laughs) It's stuck ever since.

    Off the field, this team is probably best knows for the funny videos and pranks you ladies pull on each other. Have you fallen victim to any pranks?

    I've been involved in my fair share but they aren't smart enough to out wit me yet. (laughs)

    This summer you’ll take part in your first Women’s World Cup. What will this mean to you?

    It's a huge honour and I am so proud to be a part of this team. Ever since I was little, I have dreamed of being at a World Cup or the Olympics and to finally have a dream come true is amazing. I'm going to cherish every moment and leave everything I have on the field.

    Canada has played in four World Cup preparation matches so far, any more lined up?

    There are a few but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to make it public.

    What are some of your long term and short term goals you’d like to accomplish playing for Canada?

    I want to eventually become a consistent starter that scores on a consistent basis for Canada. I want my teammates to know that they can rely on me. Right now, my only short term goal is to win the World Cup and to get my mind and body ready for a peak performance come June 26th.


    Alyssa Ally writes about the Canadian Women’s National team, the WPS and women’s soccer in general. You can find her stuff at cdnwomenssoccer.blogspot.com

    Follow her on Twitter at @cdn_chica

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