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  • Preview of ICF's interview with Peter Montopoli



    It’s Called Football had the opportunity to speak to the Canadian Soccer Association’s General Secretary Peter Montopoli on Friday. The entire interview will air on Monday but after receiving a deluge of requests yesterday we’ve decided to give you a brief preview on what to expect.


    Peter Montopoli on what kind of political support, if any, they have in trying to win the right to host the Women’s World Cup.

    It’s been very positive. We actually have communications from the prime minister of Canada urging us to continue in our bid, in our bid efforts to secure this event for Canada. I believe when we get to the point that we need to produce the bid book or the presentation, that certainly the federal government will be fully supportive of our bid.
    Montopoli on using the Women’s World Cup to build a legacy of football infrastructure in Canada.
    Clearly that is part of what we’re trying to achieve...A legacy will be stadiums, stadium upgrades. But I think part of the untold story in Canada really requires a great deal of attention is training fields...the lack of international training fields in our country.
    On provincial reps vs unaffiliated reps and what he’d like to see in a new governance model

    It’s not an issue of one over the other but having the best people around...to make decisions with the best interest of soccer in Canada.
    We’ve purposely left out some of the best stuff here, including: Lots more on the governance model, Canada bidding for the Men’s World Cup in 2026, on having medal aspirations for the women’s side, what the CSA is asking of the present bid cities and who they are.

    Be sure to tune in Monday at 10 pm EST to hear the whole interview with the CSA’s most powerful man, General Secretary Peter Montopoli.

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