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  • JDG2 wants to play for Toronto FC



    It would seem the Oranj revolution continues.

    Jonathan De Guzman, younger brother to Julian (and pariah to any national team fan), told a Dutch news site today that if he could play for any club in the world, he would like to play for Toronto FC.


    "I'd like to play for my hometown Toronto FC"
    The 23-year-old, who turned down Premiership offers this year, is in year one of a three year deal with Real Mallorca.

    While it's fun to play out scenarios that include Julian as the defensive midfielder and Jonathan as the attacking mid, don't expect anything to come of this. He has plenty of years left in him for European play and if he's still interested in suiting up for the Dutch national team, he'll need to remain visible to do so.

    But if, as he's indicated recently, he's considering re-joining the Canadian program, an MLS move wouldn't be out of the question - a few years down the line.

    What do you think? Would you want another DeGuzman on Toronto? Would you accept him, even if he ultimately decides not to play for Canada?

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