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  • It's Called Football - Year in Review Part 2



    This is our second look back on the year that was on It's Called Football.

    These first two interviews today were, at the time, a look at what was to come with controversy. The last, we’re airing because it was oddly one of our favourite interviews of the year. And it’s not one you’ll expect.

    This first though is exactly what we’ve come to expect from the Score’s Kristian Jack as we speak to him him in April about Dwayne DeRosario. A lot of it serves as a warning of what was to come last year.

    This next interview is again about someone who found himself mired in controversy this season. And even here he finds himself defending a decision to play a big name friendly in the middle of the year. We spoke to then Whitecaps CEO Paul Barber.

    The last interview today is with a man few will even know but Dr. John Galluci – MLS medical coordinator proved to be one of the year’s most illuminating interviews as he talks about the most common injuries in MLS and gives us a look behind the scenes in his world.

    Today's show is now up.


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    The final installment of our Year in Review will air Thursday with the regular shows returning Monday.

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