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  • It's Called Football resumes Wednesday



    After a short winter nap (it was only 3 weeks guys - were the death threats really necessary?), It's Called Football will be resuming this Wednesday at 10 pm EST.

    I'll update you the day of the show who will be our guests. But, I'll just say now, that two of the three are writers who have been covering the combine. The third, who isn't a 100 per cent confirmed yet, is someone who will selecting at the draft - for Toronto.


    We'll talk about possible Vancouver picks, what the latest on DeRo is and a few of the other small news items that might have happened during our time off (Kara Lang, Aron Winter, Denis Hamlett to name a few.)

    It will be good to get back at it. At the very least, just to get Duane off the streets and away from his panhandling podcast endeavor.


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