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  • It's Called Football - Interview Only with Peter Montopoli



    Today, in a an Interview Only edition of It's Called Football, we're joined by the General Secretary of the CSA, Peter Montopoli for an exclusive interview to talk about their impending announcement to study the need for a Canadian only D2 league.

    We'll talk to Peter about the man they've charged with heading the study, how USSF decisions have forced the CSA down this road and how this project could be linked to infrastructure projects for the Canadian Women's World Cup.

    The interview is now up.


    <embed src="http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/FlowPlayerLight.swf?config={embedded:true,videoFile:%27http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/download/2540/26313/montopoliinterviewonlyd2final.mp3%27,initialScale:%27scale%27,controlBarBackgroundColor:%270x778899%27,autoBuffering:false,loop:false,autoPlay:false}" width="400" height="25" scale="fit" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

    If you're having trouble with the player you can download and listen to the interview here or from iTunes

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