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  • It's Called Football - Guest: Jonathan Tannenwald



    Today, we're joined by Philadelphia Union beat writer, Jonathan Tannenwald, to talk about what tactics to expect from Philly this weekend, how they've managed to turn themselves into a contending team in just two years and what TFC reject Carlos Ruiz has done to return himself to favour there.

    And, building on the Support Local Football theme, the tone of the conversation with Tannenwald turns to some really interesting stuff about Sam's Army, US soccer and how their country went through a similar conversation in the early 1990s about how to generate home crowds for home teams (CSA lurkers should take notes) during World Cup qualifying.

    All that and we'll break down the mistake by the lake, Eric Hassli's emergence as one of the best first year players in MLS, what Toronto needs to do to better free up Joao Plata and we'll break down Canada's Gold Cup selections. [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]

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