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  • It's Called Football - Guest: Jimmy Stone



    Today, we're joined by an Englishman who has tossed aside his interest in league football there, to dive headlong into becoming an MLS supporter. Oddly enough, he’s chosen Toronto. We’ll talk to Jimmy Stone about that and his observations on our little league.

    We'll also get into NYRB's massive ticket price increase and what it could mean for the rest of the league, MLS looking to sell off its stake in SUM and how the Trillium Cup is suddenly the most important trophy in the history of all trophies...

    The archived show is now up.


    <embed src="http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/FlowPlayerLight.swf?config={embedded:true,videoFile:'http://itscalledfootball.podhoster.com/download/2540/25744/sept132011final.mp3',initialScale:'scale',controlBarBackgroundColor:'0x778899',autoBuffering:false,loop:false,autoPlay:false}" width="400" height="25" scale="fit" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

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