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  • It's Called Football - Guest: Jason DeVos, Ives Galarcep



    Today, we're joined by Ives Galarcep, from Fox Soccer, to talk about who Toronto FC's Dwayne DeRosario is being shopped around to in the league, Charlie Davies return and what that means to the U.S. game and his dark horse picks for the league this year.

    We're also joined by TSN analyst Jason DeVos who talks about national team turncoats and the pride of suiting up for Canada, the planned centennial friendlies and what he'd like to see as a former national team player and what he thinks of Toronto and Vancouver's lineups.

    We'll also be setting up the Toronto home opener, discuss Omar Salgado getting cleared to play for Vancouver and the news that Toronto FC is withholding U-20 players from national team duty.


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