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  • Help Canadian soccer, win prizes


    The Canadian D2 feasibility study is in full swing and while they're talking to everyone from administrators to some of the finest soccer minds in the country, they're interested in hearing from you too.

    The project is broken up into two phases, and right now we're in the information gathering stage with a report expected by the end of December; the next phase will deal with concrete financing issues. I realize the skepticism about the study, but ReThink has been adamant about giving the soccer community a chance and a voice to give their input on the matter.

    So, they're encouraging each and every one of you - supporters, coaches, soccer moms - to weigh in on what will and won't work in this country when it comes to having a D2 league all our own. And for your time, they're willing to reward you as well.


    First, head over to ReThink and answer these five questions (there is a submit form on the side of the page).

    1. If a new league were to be established in Canada, what do you think would be the best administrative and legal framework structure to ensure the league had the best opportunity to succeed, (e.g. national versus regional; single entity versus club owned; closed fixed-membership versus promotion/relegation) and what would be an optimal number of teams?
    2. What other leagues, football or otherwise, should Canada look to as possible archetypes to model its own league and why?
    3. What do you see as being the greatest obstacle that stands in the way of division II football succeeding in Canada, and what steps can be taken to mitigate these barriers to success?
    4. Implicit in the goal of developing a new division II league is the need to engender a commercial base of local committed supporters. What socio-demographic group should a new league focus its marketing efforts and resources on and what strategies and actions could a new entity take to broaden its appeal?
    5. What role, if any, should the CSA play in the founding and ongoing operations of a new division II league?

    You will then be entered in a draw to either win a pair of tickets to the next World Cup qualifying game or a Canadian National team jersey.

    Lastly, go out and tell your soccer loving friends about the study and encourage them to participate.

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