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  • Hello... welcome to Toronto Mr. Winter



    First off, a big hat tip to our friend in Montreal for the idea.

    I had a couple hours of down time Wednesday night and wondered how I might actually confirm what everybody knows already.

    So, instead of crashing all the restaurants in the downtown area, I thought I'd call around to some of the Toronto hotels to see if a Paul Mariner and an Aron Winter had checked in anywhere.


    I started with the Weston, known in the past to house MLS away teams, and worked my way West towards the ACC.

    It honestly didn't take very long. Under 20 calls. I won't tell you what hotel they're staying at - I'd probably never get another interview at TFC if I did - but I will say they won't have a far walk to the ACC for tomorrow's press conference

    It was especially nice of MLSE to check them in under their government names. And it was even nicer of the front desk staff to put me directly through, without questioning, to the rooms of the two men charged with bringing about a culture change at TFC.

    I called first at 7 - once for Paul Mariner, immediately after (with my British voice) for Aron Winter. Both went to voice mail.

    I saw this tweet from Paul Beirne not long after and decided to wait until 9 to call again - dinner takes about two hours right? I guess they had something to celebrate because neither was answering their phone by 9:30 pm.

    Just about to give up and rush out the door to watch the final moments of the Canadian juniors game, I suddenly had the urge to call Winter one more time.

    "Aron Winter's room please"

    1 ring. 2 ring. 3 ring.


    Holy shit.

    Me: "Hello is this Aron Winter?"

    AW: "Yes."

    Me: "Aron Winter of Toronto FC?"

    AW: "Um, yes, I guess it is."

    The journalist in me could have asked him a million things at that moment.

    Who do you want to cut? What are your plans for the expansion draft? How long do you think it will take to get the team playing Total Football?

    Me: "Do you have a few minutes for some questions Mr. Winter. I'll understand if you are just settling in for bed."

    AW: "I am just settling in for bed. There will be plenty of time for questions tomorrow though."

    Me: "I understand sir. Let me be the first to welcome you to Toronto then."

    AW: "Thank you very much. Very kind. I am happy to be here."

    And that was it. Nothing groundbreaking. Just a 30 second conversation with the new head coach of Toronto FC. I passed on the urge to call Mariner again - I wasn't going to press my luck.

    I had confirmed what I set out to - what everybody knew anyways - the Winter and Mariner show is here.

    And it opens Thursday.

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