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  • FIFA's letter to the CSA


    Canadian Soccer News has obtained a copy of FIFA's letter to the Canadian Soccer Association, threatening sanctions, possible suspension and expulsion regarding the Alberta Soccer Association and its proposal to remove certain bylaws.


    You can read the full document here.

    Here is a quick excerpt:

    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in case the CSA fails to impose sanctions on the ASA should ASA remove the above-mentioned provision from the ASA By-Laws, FIFA would have no other option than to report the issue to the FIFA Association Committee which could propose to the FIFA Executive Committee to impose sanctions on CSA. Such a sanction could lead to a suspension or up to an expulsion of the CSA.

    If you need further background on what is going on and what this means for Canadian soccer, you can read more here.

    Ben Knight and Onward Soccer will have more on this situation this evening.

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