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  • CSN Awards - The Who Are Ya Award



    To win 'The Who Are Ya Award' one really has to go the extra mile down that road of failure.

    We're talking Mo Johnston levels of ineptness. We're talking turning-your-back-on-your-country, a country your dad was a national team hero in, kind-of-bad. By comparison to your Who Are Ya accomplishment, the Alberta Soccer Association is a healthy, functional governing body.

    It's not enough to make simple mistakes, you need to have millions of people collectively pointing and laughing at your sorry ass to win The Who Are Ya Award.

    That's why, in a year that was filled with fail, this year's winner stands head and shoulders above the rest. Congratulations to ...



    Mr. Kamara meets all of the The Who Are Ya qualifications: monsterable failure mixed with astonishing fame.

    Millions viewed the miss heard around the world when Kei flubbed that goalline sitter and earned some Deadspin fame for his trouble.

    Making this choice even easier has been Kei's cocky, pick-on-the-weak, Twitter personality - calling out such MLS superstars as Nick Garcia and Mike Petke during his post-game rants.

    So, Kei Kamara, we salute ya - you're the Wiz and nobody beats you

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