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  • CSN Awards - The 'If Only Football Was Played On Ice' Award



    The 'If Only Football Was Played On Ice' award is about honouring the workaday guy that gets overlooked because he lacks the flash of the superstars.

    He works hard in every appearance, can throw an elbow as well as he can make a penetrating run up the wing and most of all, he's the kind of guy you'd want to have a beer with.

    Coming in a close second was Vancouver Whitecaps' Terry Dunfield - a guy, who if he had been around for a little while longer, surely would have won this award. He embodies everything we like in footballers who could be hockey stars and is one guy, upon joining MLS next season, we're expecting big things from.

    But, after several heated debates, it was one particular moment that sealed it for the winner. This year's award goes to ...




    Mr. Gargan's now famous shirt off celebration gave him the edge over Dunfield in the end. With a schoolboy-like enthusiasm, the Garganator sprinted forty yards down the wing, swinging his jersey wildly above his head like he'd won a championship. It wasn't - just an equalizer against Houston.

    But with strength that can see most any throw-in reach the 18-yard-box, a rib shot that will knock the wind square out of any defender and ability to be immediately likable, Dan Gargan is this year's If Only Football Was Played On Ice winner.

    And, with that, we must insist to the TFC brass reading this (yes, we see your MLSE IPs on here quite a bit) ...

    Don't Release ... The Gargan

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