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  • CSN Awards - Canadian Club Goals of the Year



    In the past, this award has been strictly a TFC vote but as we've expanded out with CSN this year we've made sure to include a goal of the year for each of Canada's biggest clubs.

    With the help of our writers in each market, and the assistance of a few friends elsewhere, we've selected the best goal by the Vancouver Whitecaps, Montreal Impact and Toronto FC for 2010.

    But, because we like to be definite with our decisions here at CSN - and because nobody likes a three way sister kissing tie - it's up to you to vote for the goal you thought was the best overall.

    Vote in the comments section for your team or, if you're capable of it, the actual best goal of the year. Vote twice if you're so inclined.

    The overall winner will be announced on New Years Day.

    The nominees are ...


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    Chad Barrett for his equalizer in the 79th minute against Montagua, putting Toronto FC up 3-2 on aggregate. The goal itself is nothing all that spectacular - a broken play that happened to fall nicely to his foot - but it assured Toronto's entrance into the group stage of the CONCACAF Champions League - the farthest they'd ever been in the competition.



    Rocco Placentino for his left footed volley/thunderbolt against the Austin Aztec. The 30-yard inswinger cross pulls away from Placentino and would have made it difficult enough just to get a touch on, but coupled with how he hits it cooly in stride made this an easy decision for Montreal goal of the year.

    (Start the video at 0:45)




    Ridge Mobulu for his clever footwork along the touchline against the Austin Aztec. One part creative, penetrating run, mixed in with an extraordinary confidence on the ball under pressure and an ability to make several defenders look foolish on the finish, made this Vancouver's goal of the year.


    Now make the call. Did we miss one? Another goal that should have been included?

    What was the Canadian club goal of the year?

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