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  • CSL seeking dispute resolution


    The ongoing dispute between the Canadian Soccer League and the Canadian Soccer Association has taken another twist.

    First, a quick refresher of the events of the last couple months:

    After initially denying a CBC report that detailed why the CSA had cut ties with the CSL, the league is now threatening to take whatever action necessary and admitting to their new status. That action apparently included taking out that full page ad in Inside Soccer - which in retrospect may look like a waste of money. If you care, I refuted much of what they claim right here. Since then, CSN has been the first to report that both the Montreal Impact and Toronto FC have left the CSL. And according to some, TFC will not return even if the de-sanctioning is overturned.

    Which brings us to today and the pair of events that have happened over the weekend.


    The CSA board of directors met in Montreal on Saturday and among other things, re-affirmed their commitment to the Easton Report and their decision to sever ties and de-sanction the CSL.

    CSN has learned that as a result of the CSA's unwillingness to move on the issue, the CSL is now applying to the Sport Dispute Resolution of Canada for mediation and then arbitration if necessary. A hearing is expected in early April. The CSL has start their launch date for the 2013 campaign as late April.

    Two CSA sources re-affirmed that the CSA are committed to moving forward with their plans to build a national D3 league.

    This all may be a moot point anyways. With the Montreal Impact leaving the CSL, under pre-Easton Report directives, the CSA would not be able to sanction the CSL, as the league is no longer a two province division. With only Ontario teams, the CSL would need to apply for sanctioning by the OSA, or find another out of province team to join the fold.

    If you'd like a better understanding of the CSL's position and to read about how CSL chairman Vince Ursini described this matter as "a continuation of the conspiracy against the CSL," then you can view their letters to the CSA here, here and here. You can also read the CSA's initial response here.

    CSN will continue to follow this story.

    This story has been edited from its original form. Contradicting information was presented this morning which resulted in the change.

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