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  • Dalglish rejoins Kop. Or decisions of the heart



    Widely reported and it should be said - fully expected - Roy Hodgson stepped aside today at Liverpool and made way for the Anfield legend, Kenny Dalglish, to finish out the season as manager.

    It's a move that is worrisome and re-assuring at the same time.


    Re-assuring, because it had become painfully clear that Hodgson had lost the room - 9 defeats in 20 Premiership games will do that to anyone, and according to the former manager himself, he had lost the support of the Kop faithful.

    What is worrisome about a move like this, is that it is clearly designed to restore that faith to Anfield - not a tactical decision that will improve the club's fortunes.

    Dalglish is a legend at Liverpool, there can be no doubt of that. The titles he's guided them to are equaled only by his leadership through the tragedies at Hillsborough as manager and Brussels as a player. A select few can lay claim to walking on water in that town and he's one of them.

    But he's hasn't managed in over a decade and he was fired from his last two managerial positions at Celtic and Newcastle.

    As an ambassador at Liverpool he will still know the club inside and out but the game is a very different one from that of the 1980s and early 90s. Adopting his tactics to fit the modern era will be a huge task.

    I don't want to rag on the negative here too much. John W. Henry and NESV have done a great deal in their short time at Liverpool to engage the supporters and re-gain the trust that was shattered by the Hicks and Gillette era. Today's move - bringing in the last manager to capture a top flight title at Liverpool - speaks volumes to that.

    For now, at a club that wears theirs on the sleeve, a move from the heart is a fine one. Between now and the end of the season, however, it's time to start making decisions of the head and figure out how to return this floundering club to its former glory.

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