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  • Whitecaps Fever: Introducing Aaron Campbell


    <i>We are pleased to introduce our new writer here at AFTN. His name is Aaron Campbell and this is his story....</i>

    ccs-249177-140264019414_thumb.jpgFirst things first, I would like to thank AFTN and its team of amazing writers for letting me join this well oiled machine. I am not just saying that so I don't bite the hand that pays me.

    Wait just got a email from the AFTN leaders. Damn it I don't get paid!!!

    It seems like nowadays every Whitecaps supporter has a blog, podcast or opinion about the coaching staff, players and lack of moves. Hell I am one of them.

    My reason for wanting to write about the Whitecaps is different than most. It involves a life changing injury to myself and how a Whitecaps player helped me through it.

    This is my story:


    October 25th 2011 is the day my life changed for myself and my family. I was severely injured on the job. I had torn my ACL and meniscus. My knee was so bad that it took the doctor six months to even do a full assessment of my injury. Let's just say I was severely depressed and was getting no help from my employer or WCB.

    Around this time Atiba Harris was going through another injury similar to mine with the Whitecaps. One day I decided I was sick of not getting advice on how to start my road to recovery for this injury. I found Harris on Facebook and decided to message him my story and ask for advice. I knew it was a shot in the dark. May of been the meds but I convinced myself I would never hear back from him.

    I was shocked when five minutes later I got a message back. He told me he understood where I was coming from and for the next two hours went over step by step my recovery journey. Yes I am not an athlete like him but it helped answer lots of questions I wasn't getting answers to. After the conversation I figured that was the extent of Harris talking to me.

    One week later after getting home from a specialist appointment I had a message from Harris asking how my recovery was going. I couldn't believe he would take time out of his career, recovery and family to ask how I was doing.

    These back and forth conversations went on for 12 straight months. Messages every week or so asking where I was in recovery. Over these talks we started discussing our families and the stress our injuries were causing them. Not lying, he talked me off the ledge a few times.

    On December 3rd 2012 I logged onto twitter and saw the crappy news. Atiba Harris had been traded to Colorado Rapids. To say I was pissed is an understatement. I was ready to boycott this current Whitecaps season. I thought to myself with him on another team our weekly injury update chats would be over. I emailed him saying sorry to see him go, good luck with the Rapids and wished him and his family a safe trip to Colorado. Less then 15 minutes later he replied back saying thanks for the kind words and not to worry he will still be around to answer any rehab questions I had.

    It was after reading that reply I thought to myself I want to write stories about these Whitecaps players and let the supporters know what good people these players are on and off the pitch. To add a more personal side to them, something that is often forgotten and not written about that much these days, and find out what motivates them and makes them tick.

    Atiba Harris was the first one I asked to do an interview for when starting at the <a href="http://whitecapsxi.wordpress.com/author/aacamp81/" target="_blank">WhitecapsXI</a> blog.

    Today I am proud to call him a friend. Someone I can talk to about the stress of recovery, life and family. I am happy he has had the chance to excel in Colorado and is scoring at a great clip. Just wish he was wearing a Vancouver jersey.

    We all have opinions on the current and past Whitecaps roster. The good guys (Harris and Hassli), the bad guys (Robson) and the players that keep to themselves (Miller). We get way more access to these players than hockey, baseball and football players in this city. I think that is why we supporters are all fans of this great game. That is why we all become so involved or a little too involved with our favourite teams.

    Screw all the people who aren't supporters we have all said out loud or muttered to ourselves at one point.

    I am a fan and I write my opinions. You may not like them or support them but I would love to hear your comments about my stories.

    Once again thank you AFTN for letting my opinion have a platform. Now that all the niceness is out of the way time to write....

    <i>[Editor - Welcome to Aaron. We're pleased to have him on the team and bring some fresh perspectives, ideas and features to the site. He's also a big stats guy (and is doing a phenomenal job updating the Whitecaps 2013 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Vancouver_Whitecaps_FC_season" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a> page), so expect more of that, which I always devour. It's an acquired taste I know! You can follow Aaron on Twitter at <a href="http://www.twitter.com/AaCamp81" target=_blank"><b>@AaCamp81</b></a>.]</i>


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