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  • Welcome To Away From The Numbers


    <b>Away From The Numbers</b> has now joined <b>Canadian Soccer News</b>.

    To all of our regular readers, welcome to our new home.

    To all of our new readers, welcome to the world of AFTN.

    Away From The Numbers started life as a printed football fanzine in Scotland in 1989 and now operates on both sides of the Atlantic (you can read the full original history of AFTN <a href="http://www.aftn.co.uk/aboutus.html'>http://www.aftn.co.uk/aboutus.html" target="_blank">HERE</a>).

    In Scotland, AFTN is the main unofficial website, blog and web presence dedicated to East Fife Football Club. If anyone has any interest in third tier Scottish football, check us out at: <a href="http://www.aftn.co.uk" target="_blank"><b>www.aftn.co.uk</b></a>!

    AFTN began in Canada in 2009, with the focus primarily on Vancouver Whitecaps FC. You can read what we've been going on about for the last three years at: <a href="http://aftncanada.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><b>http://aftncanada.blogspot.com</b></a>.

    We’ve brought our fanzine ethos with us and we hope to bring something a little different to the <i>Canadian Soccer News</i> collective.


    You’ll still get the breaking news, review and hard hitting analysis that you’ve come to expect from CSN, but you’ll also be getting some off-beat humour stuff thrown in.

    We appreciate this will not be to everyone’s taste and not what many will want/expect from Canada’s premier football news outlet, but you know what? Football is primarily about the fun and enjoyment aspect, or else, why bother? I think we forget that sometimes when we’re bogged down in the mire.

    Friday is our <b><i>”Friday Fun”</i></b> day. We’re warning you in advance! It amuses us and that's all that matters!!

    That’s not to say that you’re not going to get the serious articles on those days as well, and some humourous stuff thrown into the mix on other days. We just go with how the mood takes us.

    If you have no interest in reading the humour stuff, we understand. Just look out for everything branded <b><i>"Timewasting"</i></b>.

    What else will AFTN be bringing to CSN?

    We’re going to introduce you to our own writers and columnists over the next few weeks, each with their own unique take on the game. Some have been writing for AFTN already, some have written elsewhere and some have talents that no-one has seen yet.

    We've chosen this day to make the move as it was on this very day in 1973 that the original Vancouver Whitecaps were officially founded. December 11th - a very good day indeed for Caps fans everywhere.

    All that's really left to say is that we hope you enjoy the next chapter of AFTN.

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