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  • Timewasting: Whitecaps #OffThePitch - 10 things we'd love to see


    ccs-123494-14026401675_thumb.jpgThe Whitecaps are hoping to bring the players and fans closer together with their fun new <i>Off The Pitch</i> feature.

    The idea is that fans can teach their favourite Caps player their hobby or job.

    The first instalment is now up, as <a href="http://www.whitecapsfc.com/news/2012/10/offthepitch-demerit" target="_blank">Jay DeMerit learns to tap dance</a>. We can only hope it helps his footwork at the back.

    So what else could we see from the feature in the coming weeks? Which fans out there have weird or wacky jobs or hobbies that they could get some Caps players involved in?

    Here at AFTN, we've put together the top ten things we'd love to see the Whitecaps players doing "Off The Pitch"....


    (10) Anyone into Medieval re-enactments? Sir Brad Knighton would surely be down for a joust or two. We have the tagline for the piece already - "Get your Knight on".

    (9) Gersh the Barista. In a city of coffee shops, there has to be several Whitecaps fans who work in them, so get in touch with Caps HQ and ask for your favourite Ghanaian to come along and help you out for a Koffie morning to remember.

    (8) Some hobbies are more dangerous than others, so who out there likes to go skydiving? Camilo would be the very player to take your next dive with you. He might even be able to teach you a thing or two.

    (7) Not all of the activities should be confined to Vancouver. Caps fans are worldwide after all. We're hoping there's one who works for Mars Canada or Mars in the UK so that Etienne Barbara can spend the day making Maltesers.

    (6) Putting Michael Nanchoff into an Apple store to flog iPod Nanos all day would be a little bit too obvious. That's not for us. No siree. We want to see him dressed up as the Star Trek comic book character 'Nano' and spend the day wandering around downtown as a Lirin in the company of other Trekkies.

    (5) Is there a doctor in the house? Or a sexy nurse? Then you'd be the ideal candidate to spend the day with John Thorrington. Not only would it make for a fun and caring featurette, but Sicknote would have round the clock medical attention for all his injuries.

    (4) Any fans running for class presidency? Any Mexican fans in particular? Greg Klazura can come along and help you campaign to get elected. It would be dynamite.

    (3) One well known Southsiders is a flight instructor and he's already revealed that he has been filmed taking up a Caps player and giving him some tuition. It surely has to be Kenny Miller. Not only is he good in the air anyway, it would literally make him 'The Flying Scotsman'.

    (2) Talking of our Scots, let's hope we can find someone in the Caps support who is a naval aviator. Better still, a landing signal officer. You know, the guys that bring planes in to land using hand signals and by waving flags around. Barry Robson would be ideal for this and he's already been getting in the hand and arm practice.

    (1) There can only be one thing at number one - <b>#shootjoecannonoutofacannon</b>.

    Make these happen people!


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