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  • The AFTN Podcast - Episode 13 (Residency Week special with Brody Huitema, Spencer DeBoice and DC/KC preview)


    ccs-123494-140264019487_thumb.jpgIt's Episode 13 of <i>"There's Still Time"</i>, the AFTN podcast.

    Unlucky for some but not for you dear listener as we bring you a special podcast to tie in with <a href="http://www.canadiansoccernews.com/tags.php?tag=residency+week" target="_blank"><u>Residency Week</u></a> here on AFTN.

    We have an interview with two Vancouver Whitecaps Residency players before they headed off to Dallas for the USSDA playoffs, goalscoring sensation <b>Brody Huitema</b> and the very in-form <b>Spencer DeBoice</b>.

    We're joined in the car park of UBC's Thunderbird Stadium (yup, we record anywhere!) by <b>Zachary Meisenheimer</b> and <b>Steven Lamothe</b> to look at how the season has gone for the Caps U16s and U18s and we take a look at some of the exciting players that are coming through the program and could take the pitch one day for the MLS Caps.

    We have an in-depth chat about the prospects of Sam Adekugbe and Brody Huitema, amongst others, and debate if/when we'll see more of the Residency products not just in the MLS squad but getting serious minutes in the first team.

    For those of you not interested in the Residency you can fast forward to the end because there's still time for us to look ahead to the Caps in MLS action in the upcoming road trip to DC United and Sporting Kansas City.


    There's also time for you to learn some latin and sing along to the tractor song!

    We know that a lot of the content in this podcast won't be for everyone but we think it's one of our best ones so far, just for the enthusiasm of four grown men talking passionately about the future of Vancouver Whitecaps and Canadian soccer!

    You can listen to this week's podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/aftn/id628306235" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or download it for your later listening delight <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>

    We also have an iPhone app, so you can now add our podcast to your phone as an app. Visit the podcast's mobile site <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/mobile/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a> and then at the bottom of the screen just click the "Quick Launch" icon and the podcast will be added to your home screen and appear as an app.

    Or you could just listen on one of the players below!


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