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  • The 2012 Vancouver Whitecaps: Who should stay and who should go?


    We continue our look at the Whitecaps’ 2012 MLS season today with a detailed evaluation of the players.

    How did they perform? Did they impress or did they disappoint? And should we keep them around for another season?

    Martin Rennie and the management team face some tough decisions in the next few weeks and months ahead. An evaluation camp will take place soon before some initial cuts are made.

    Steve Pandher and myself have looked at all 28 players on the Caps current MLS squad, along with the two main guys trying to win contracts, and rated whether we should ‘Keep’ them, should bid them ‘Fare Ye Well’ in fine Scottish fashion, or whether we’re still undecided about them for various reasons.


    Let us know in the comments if you agree or disagree.


    <b>Bryce Alderson:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. Disappointing that he didn't get minutes this season, especially in the Voyageurs Cup games. Showed pre-season that he isn't out of place against MLS opposition and if he works hard again this pre-season, it won't be long before he gets his chance. He has an aggression and composure that has been missing in the Caps midfield at times this year.

    Steve – KEEP. This year’s Phil Davies, Alderson couldn’t get onto the pitch for any minutes and while it is a disappointment it is understandable considering he was the youngest player on the roster. While he is a definite to return to the club next year, it wouldn’t surprise me to see the teenage midfielder to consider loan opportunities in Europe.

    <b>Etienne Barbara:</b>

    Michael – UNDECIDED. A frustrating year for the Malteser. We never got to see what he could offer, but he never showed too much in the Reserve outings he had. Could he have been the player to get more goals? We may never know, but probably not. With his previous goalscoring record, I feel it would be worth giving him the pre-season camp to see if he can shake off the injuries and be beneficial to the team, especially on his reasonable $87,500 salary. If he doesn’t shine though, then he has to be cut loose.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. Of all the Railhawks that came with Rennie, Barbara was the most exciting addition considering the type of season he had in the NASL. However, it was an injury riddled season for the Maltese international as he dealt with groin and back issues. Because he is of international status, I don’t see how they could bring the striker back unless the training staff feels they can resolve any of his issues.

    <b>Martin Bonjour:</b>

    Michael – UNDECIDED. I was firmly in the ‘Keep’ camp up until the playoff game. I love what Bonjour brings to the team. The aggression and fire. Can that style of play thrive in MLS with the refs we have? I do feel that Bonjour has been one of our strongest performers at the back and I probably would like to see what kind of partnership he could form with Andy O’Brien. I do worry that the fouls and cards that he picks up could see him become a liability. You can't have $276,987 sitting on the bench regularly.

    Steve – UNDECIDED. It was an up and down first season for the Argentine defender who started the season strong as part of the backline that continually posted up cleansheets. There were struggles as the year progressed which eventually led to him being replaced by summer acquisition Andy O’Brien. The only way I can see Bonjour being moved on is if the Caps feel they can’t afford three central defenders at their price points.

    <b>Joe Cannon:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. Joe Cannon was my Whitecaps 'Player of the Year' yesterday and also won our 3-2-1 vote. I don't really want to see him leave Vancouver but if he wants to play another year, he has earned the right to be more than just a back up and he has clearly lost the starter spot here. He also doesn't strike me as the kind of player that would be happy with such a role. If he wanted to take a pay cut from $175,666, or was given some kind of coaching role here, then he'd be a great guy to have in the dressing room.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. A strong start by Cannon earned the veteran eight cleansheets as he made a number of spectacular saves to keep his side in the games. He lost his spot late in the season when it looked like he was wearing down and giving up easy goals. Unless Cannon is willing to take a pay cut and a backup role I don’t see him returning to Vancouver.

    <b>Caleb Clarke:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. Caleb is clearly only going to get better and better. He's made his first MLS starts, although I don't think he actually touched the ball in his last one. He needs to be playing regularly to maintain his development. Could he become a regular bench guy next season? I'd like to think so but the way Rennie has gone, maybe not likely, so he could be loaned out. If he stays, he will get more minutes than this year, but how many?

    Steve – KEEP. After an impressive season with the residency team, Clarke was signed by the Caps by the end of April. After a brief stint in Germany he made his debut in August and did not look out of place. Another young player who may be loaned out to a European side, Clarke will return to the Caps and will definitely improve on his 15 minutes this year.

    <b>Jun Marques Davidson:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. I'm still not entirely sure that the experiment that saw him lose his starting spot was worthwhile. Jun had a great first half of the season and his defensive coverage played a key role in the Whitecaps early season success. He's definitely a guy to keep around for both starts and cover, and at $71,136 he is great value, even as a back up guy.

    Steve – KEEP. It was a dream start for Davidson who earned a few MOTM honours which eventually led to him winning the unsung player at the end of the season. For some reason he lost his spot at the end of the season as he wasn’t played in the last six games. With his domestic status and reasonable salary I can’t see why Davidson doesn’t return next year.

    <b>Jay DeMerit:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. I know this is going to be controversial to many, but I think Jay should be moved on. For as good as he is in the air, he can be a liability on the ground when people run at him. He is not as voal or as organised at the back as he needs to be and should. Still held in high regard by many south of the border, he should be excellent trade bait. I don't feel he's worth $350,000. There are better and cheaper options out there. As the Captain and the face of the team, it may be hard to move him on, but Rennie hasn't let that stop him in the past.

    Steve – UNDECIDED. A bounce back season for the captain as returned to the form that earned him a starting spot in the 2010 World Cup. His aggressive nature, which can be a positive at times and a negative, has become more effective since his partnership with O’Brien. DeMerit is the face of the franchise but can become available if another team comes with an offer that is too rich for Vancouver to refuse.

    <b>Atiba Harris:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. How he even made the cut to get onto this year's squad baffles me. He squanders far too many chances and is just too injury prone. Rennie has said he is the player he gets the most enquiries about. Excellent. He should be pretty easy to get shot off then and get a staggering $158,275 off the books. The sooner the better.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. It was another season where Harris was unable to recover full fitness and make a contribution to the squad. At this point he makes too much money for the Whitecaps to keep on the roster. Expect him to be either waived or traded despite his non-import status in MLS.

    <b>Jordan Harvey:</b>

    Michael - UNDECIDED. I do like the idea of keeping Harvey around as experienced cover for both left back and midfield. But only that. He's a pretty cheap option at $100,000 and I mostly want to keep him in Vancouver. However, if we could get a good trade deal out of him, then I'm all for listening.

    Steve – KEEP. Rennie initially used Harvey as a defensive sub but injuries to Rochat gave him a stretch of starts at left back including the last seven games of the season. He is very effective defending but can’t be asked to contribute much in the final third. If Harvey returns in 2013 it should be as a key backup and not as a full time starter.

    <b>Greg Klazura:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. Another player that we simply haven't seen enough of in meaningful games to make a proper call, but I liked what I saw of him in pre-season training to convince me to give him another season to develop. He's a better left back than right back in my eyes, and has made some mistakes in the Reserve games, but he's a cheap option that can provide cover at a few positions. Rennie initially described him as "a work in progress" and he still is and is still young. He deserves at least another year.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. The other player who spent all season without playing a minute in MLS, Klazura was able to get some minutes in two legs against FC Edmonton. A converted left back he is still learning the transition to the right side of the backline. While there is potential, Klazura is a fringe player who could be let go if there is a roster spot required.

    <b>Brad Knighton:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. He's now established himself as the Whitecaps number one, unless they can do some good business to bring in an experienced veteran to challenge him pre-season. He's been great though and instils confidence amongst his team-mates and the fans and that's what you need back there. I think we'll only see him grow even further next season. If he was still back up, I'm not sure how keen he'd be to stay around. He's too good to be kept sitting on a bench.

    Steve – KEEP. After spending a season as a starter under Rennie with Carolina, Knighton started the season as a backup to Cannon. He took over at the beginning of September and never let go allowing 7 goals in 8 starts. It is a given that Knighton will return next year and the only question is whether he will be handed the starting role or face competition.

    <b>Gershon Koffie:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. One of the no need to ask the question guys. He is still nowhere near his full potential and I feel he drifts out of games far too much. Really benefits when he's playing alongside experienced guys. He worked on his shooting this year and it's nowhere near as wild. The best is yet to come from the Ghanaian.

    Steve – KEEP. The youngest regular in the starting eleven, Koffie continues to progress by leaps and bounds in his ability to command the midfield. Like most young players he still needs to work on his consistency as he tends to disappear for stretches on the pitch. There are people who feel that Koffie is on his way out in a transfer move but I feel that he stays on for at least another season.

    <b>Young-Pyo Lee:</b>

    Michael - Got to keep the guy around if we can. I do get the feeling that he may hang his boots up though. The intense travelling around MLS at his age could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. He tired as the season went on and we missed the attacking runs he made earlier in the season. If he stays, we have to find a more than adequate back up for him.

    Steve – KEEP. Many questioned the Whitecaps signing of Lee in the offseason citing that he was too old and could not hold up for a full season. He started and played 90 minutes in 33 of 34 matches and was named the team’s MVP. The Caps need to do whatever they can to retain Lee including finding a decent backup so they could provide him more rest during the season.

    <b>Darren Mattocks:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. He has everything he needs to make him a star, but unfortunately he also has things which can make that star burn up pretty quickly. He should be a certainty to return and lead the frontline next season, but he has to work on his discipline. He is no use to us sitting in the stands so much. He also needs help up front. He may have scored a lot for us but he also went some long spells without hitting the net and there will be more pressure on him now to perform in his second season in MLS.

    Steve – KEEP. It was a rough start to the year for Mattocks who burned his arm in fire incident that sidelined him for a number of weeks. Once he started the rookie proved he belonged scoring a number of goals that made him the top scorer. Mattocks is a definite returnee but will need to work on his finish and the discipline he displays on the pitch.

    <b>Kenny Miller:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. I like Kenny Miller. I like what he brings to a game off the ball. He finds positions his team-mates can't find him in and works so hard, a fact that is missed by many of his critics. Unfortunately, his $1.24 million salary and DP status are giant weights around his neck and people only care about goals. What he brings to the team, we can get cheaper, and if he is left playing a support role, then you can't have that salary on the bench. I believe he will go and the Caps won't need to buy him out like Jarju.

    Steve – UNDECIDED. Brought in during the summer window, Miller was expected to be a veteran target striker who was more clinical in finishing. Since his arrival he was only able to score twice in 13 appearances and became a target for fans during the slide. Miller may benefit from a full preseason with the club but could also be shopped to a side in Europe.

    <b>Carlyle Mitchell:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. Long time readers and listeners to our podcast will know how much we like Carlyle. He brings an attacking danger in the opposition's penalty box that our other centrehalfs don't have. Unfortunately, he also brings a danger in his own one. He's very cheap at $44,000 and that could be what saves him, even with an international spot. He just hasn't developed enough or instilled confidence this season and I think the time has come to move on.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. A depth player he made only starts this season in games where the Caps allowed six goals combined. Rennie made it perfectly clear that he has no confidence in Mitchell and will most likely be released during the offseason.

    <b>Michael Nanchoff:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. One of my biggest disappointments of the season. I expected so much more from him from glimpses I'd seen of him in non MLS games. Unfortunately he has struggled in the MLS games he has played and I just don't think he has what it takes yet to play at this level. He needs to drop down to D2, get some regular games under his belt, then give it another shot in a few year's time. If other clubs see his potential though then I could see a trade, especially to someone like Columbus. I just don't see what he adds to the Caps right now.

    Steve – UNDECIDED. There was quite a bit expected from the second year man from Akron considering how well he played in the preseason. However, he was slowed down with an injury and was ineffective when he did get on the pitch. It may work out better for Nanchoff if he moves on to another club, maybe Columbus, but the Caps could still keep him if they see the potential.

    <b>Andy O'Brien:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. The guy is an absolute gem of a pick up. Love him! We should be building our defence around him. He's a true leader at the back, very vocal and excellent at organising, and I would also have no objections to him being made Captain. Hopefully he can steer clear of injuries though.

    Steve – KEEP. When he was signed it seemed that O’Brien was brought in for depth purposes but it was clear early on that the Irish international was more. His value was clear in the final four games when he led the backline to three cleansheets and the playoffs. There should be no doubt that the Caps will want him to return and O’Brien could quickly become one of the better defenders in MLS.

    <b>Dane Richards:</b>

    Michael - TRANSFERRED. He's been patchy, but mostly impressive in his time here. I liked the attitude he brought after being dropped, by going out there and showing why he deserved a starting spot, yet he still didn't get one. Shame he's going as I think he could have been a key player for us next season.

    Steve – TRANSFERRED. The Whitecaps knew they needed pace on the wings and made the trade to acquire Richards for Le Toux knowing he was in the final year of his contract. It was announced in September that he had signed with English side Burnley and would be joining them in January.

    <b>Barry Robson:</b>

    Michael - UNDECIDED. I still like Robson. I still think the Caps can build a midfield around him. But I do have doubts that MLS is the League for his style of play. He needs to have players around him on the same wavelength and he needs to stop the theatrics, which I don't mind, but it's causing some sections of the support to turn on him. Like Miller, salary and DP tag is a weight around his neck. If a Championship side was to come in for him, I think he could go.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. Robson was signed before the season started to provide veteran leadership and attacking from the midfield. It was clear early on that the culture shock was getting to him on and off the pitch. I feel there are better options available for the attacking mid spot but Rennie may stick with Robson for another season.

    <b>Alain Rochat:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. Much more effective to the Caps cause as a left back than a defensive mid. He has to stay. It's another no brainer. As long as he is happy to, which on the whole I think he is.

    Steve – KEEP. It was another superb season for Rochat despite being pulled out of his normal position of left back to holding mid. The Caps missed his attacking ability down the left channel and need him to return to that spot. Unless there some type of conflict, I don’t see how the Caps can afford to part ways with Rochat.

    <b>Omar Salgado:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. I'd have said no until his wonderful switch to the wing. So sad to see his injury cut short what could have been a break out season for last year's number one draft pick. If he can re-find that form for the start of next season, then he could be one of our stars of 2013. Good to see he kept a good attitude through the injury.

    Steve – KEEP. It looked like Salgado was going to struggle to find time on the pitch until he was switched to the left wing. It was there that skill shone through but didn’t last long as a foot injury while with the U.S. U20 team ended the momentum. Salgado will return next year and be counted on to provide his attacking ability on a full time basis.

    <b>Camilo Sanvezzo:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. I'm a big fan of the Brazilian but he also leaves me frustrated and exasperated more often than not. I still maintain he is the most technically talented of our strikers, but he just can't seem to play a team game when it's needed. He gets away with it when it comes off, but when it doesn't, anger rises. Rennie doesn't seem to know how to get the best out of him and I think the best thing for both club and player is for him to seek pastures new.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. Last season’s leading scorer had a difficult time finding his consistency this season going from 12 to 5 goals. He spent most of the season as a left sided player and was unable to provide effective attacking form. Camilo doesn’t seem to fit the style that Rennie wants to employ and proof of that is when he was left on the bench down one goal to the Galaxy.

    <b>Brian Sylvestre:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. He can be a bombscare at times between the sticks. He's cheap, he's homegrown but I don't care. Cut him loose. Just don't rate the guy at all and would much rather see Callum Irving (preferably), Simon Thomas or some other Canadian talent fill that spot.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. The third keeper and homegrown product Sylvestre looked he was finally getting over his knee issues. While he didn’t get in any MLS games, he did start a few reserve matches in which he struggled. I don’t see a future for him with the Caps but he may kept for another season because of his homegrown status.

    <b>Russell Teibert:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. You want to keep him at the club but will he want to stay? He has the talent and skills the Caps have been crying out for at times this year, and seemed to become a gameday regular towards the end of the season, but still wasn't getting proper chances to strut his stuff. He must be frustrated and I could see him decide to try a new challenge and wouldn't be surprised to see him head to Toronto. He needs to be playing regularly.

    Steve – KEEP. It seemed like Rennie was impressed with Teibert in the preseason but the young Canadian couldn’t get into a game until August. Including reserve games, it was obvious that Teibert was more effective than fellow left sided midfielder Michael Nanchoff. I don’t see how he won’t return to the club and become a more influential player on the pitch.

    <b>John Thorrington:</b>

    Michael - FARE YE WELL. Ah, good old Sicknote. Only time I've thought he was worth the money was when he was compere at the launch of the brown kit. I wouldn't have brought him on for this season, but he has to go now. He adds very little to the team that other squad members don't bring for a lot less money. Pretty sure we could also find a better replacement for that salary who wouldn't miss so much of the season through injury.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. Considering last season, it was a relatively injury free season for John Thorrington as he played the most minutes since 2009. He was used to provide energy and grit in the midfield but was unable to provide much in the attack. I can’t see how the Caps can bring back an injury waiting to happen especially at the rate of $170,000.

    <b>Tiago Ulisses:</b>

    Michael - UNDECIDED. We haven't seen a lot of him, but what we have seen hasn't really impressed. I'm prepared to give him the pre-season training camp but not sure he is a good piece for the Caps jigsaw. I think he has the potential to be a card magnet in MLS, doesn't seem to be any better than what we've got and takes up an international spot. The language barrier is also problematic.

    Steve – FARE YE WELL. One of the last signings in summer transfer window, Tiago was brought in to provide depth in the midfield. He only appeared in reserve matches and at this point hasn’t shown much to be excited about. Because of his international spot and high salary, he would only be kept if there were no other options available.

    <b>Matt Watson:</b>

    Michael - KEEP. If any player used the season run in to stake a claim for next year it was Watson. Not always appreciated by some of the fans, who feel he is too defensive, I feel he has just the right mix for this league. He should get a good few minutes next season, but not sure he will be the starter.

    Steve – KEEP. It was an excellent bookend of a season for Watson who got all his starts in the first two and last two months of the year. For some reason he was lost on the roster during the middle of the season and didn’t see any action. He is a definite to stay with the Caps and after his performance in the playoffs, Watson will be more of a contributor next season.

    <b>Ben Fisk:</b>

    Michael - SIGN. times 100. Fisky has done enough to earn a MLS contract and if they don't offer him one this year then I think he should just cut his losses and make a permanent move to Europe. He's a known quantity now to the Caps, something the draftees aren't. Get him signed.

    Steve – SIGN. A successful season in the residency season led to a MVP award in finals week and an extended trial in Germany. He returned to Vancouver late in the season and should be signed as a homegrown player going into next season.

    <b>Jacob Lensky:</b>

    Michael - UNDECIDED. He's impressed in training but that's very different from actual MLS action. Hasn't overly stood out in the Reserve games and been posted missing in many. Can he add what we need to the current Whitecaps team to take us to the next level? I'm not sure he can, but he does have skills. He is likely to get a contract soon though, but I think it would have been better holding off and seeing him in pre-season camp.

    Steve – UNDECIDED. Lensky started training with the club in the spring and it was rumoured that they had acquired his rights. Considering his off pitch issues the Whitecaps have taken their time before signing him but if bringing him on means Rochat moves back to left back then I’m all for it.


    So that’s our thoughts on who should stay and who should go.

    What say you?


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