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  • Pitch Imperfect: Jose Villareal scores for LA


    <i>After running a couple of <b>Pitch Perfect</b> features, where we break down various moves of perfection in Whitecaps matches, we thought we'd do a flip of the idea this week with <b>Pitch Imperfect</b> to look at LA's second goal on Wednesday night...</i>


    The Whitecaps were close to picking up three points against a team they had failed to score against in 270 minutes, but the last ten minutes proved costly as the Galaxy scored two and stole a point.

    Whilst the first goal was one of those that pinged around the box before being deflected past the keeper, the tying goal was very preventable. Let’s take a look at the buildup and see where the breakdowns occurred.



    The play starts from near the LA box where Juninho picks up the ball and works it out wide to Sean Franklin. David Beckham is being marked at the time by Michael Nanchoff, whilst Barry Robson has the Brazilian in his sights.


    As soon as Juninho makes the initial pass to Franklin, he starts a run down the right side of the pitch. The reason he does this is because he sees Jordan Harvey playing very high on the pitch which leaves a large vacated area behind him. Franklin makes a back pass to Beckham who has easily shed Nanchoff’s mark.


    Beckham makes a perfect over the top pass that reaches the streaking Juninho. Jay DeMerit moves towards Juninho, even though Robson is only a step behind, hoping he can make a key tackle but the Brazilian sees this and makes a one touch pass to Villarreal who was previously being marked by the captain.


    Gershon Koffie, who tries to get to Villarreal, over plays the man as the young striker stops with the ball just inside the box which gives him the space needed. The youngster takes one touch and fires a perfectly placed ball into the far corner of the net past the diving Joe Cannon.

    While there are many players that can take blame, including Jun Marques Davidson who normally covers DeMerit when he comes out of position to make a tackle, the initial culprit was Jordan Harvey in my opinion. I don’t understand why he ventured a fair distance from his fellow defenders, which then gave so much space on the left side of the defensive third.

    Nanchoff, who was brought in for defensive help, should have been closer to Beckham while DeMerit should have maybe stayed centrally to keep close to his mark.

    A breakdown like this normally caused from mental fatigue and it would hard to blame the Caps since they were playing their fifth game in fourteen days.

    It is becoming commonplace though and a little bit worrisome. If the Whitecaps are going to become serious contenders in the playoffs, then these lapses and conceding of late goals is one of the main keys.

    Here's the goal in it's full imperfection:




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