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  • New Vancouver Based Football Podcast Launches


    Football fans in British Columbia, and the world over, have a new weekly podcast to listen to.

    ccs-123494-140264011212_thumb.jpgLooking at all aspects of the game in the province, <a href="http://westcoastsoccerweekly.podbean.com/2011/12/15/episode1-december-14th-2011/" target="_blank"><b><i>West Coast Soccer Weekly</i></b></a> will naturally be heavily Vancouver Whitecaps focused, but will also bring interviews and insight into the soon to be launched BC Premier League, the women’s game, Canada’s national teams and a lot more besides.

    Although based on the west coast, the aim is to provide an entertaining podcast that will have something of interest to football fans countrywide and worldwide.


    The podcast is the brainchild of CSN writer Pierce Lang, with the added benefit/drawback (delete as you feel appropriate) of myself coming along for the ride as co-host most weeks.

    As a professional cynic and all-round bitter and twisted old fashioned football fan (I even have the t-shirt), there’s a good chance I’ll be taking the show to some dark places most weeks! That's why perky Pierce is there.

    We’re a good mix. Pierce has a voice for the radio, I have the face.

    The inaugural edition of the podcast is now up and you can download it <a href="http://westcoastsoccerweekly.podbean.com/2011/12/15/episode1-december-14th-2011/" target="_blank">HERE</a> or listen to it below.

    We think we’ve brought you a pretty interesting debut show.

    Our first guest is former Canadian national team boss Dale Mitchell, who is now Director of Coaching with Coquitlam Metro Ford in the BCPL.

    Dale talks us through the exciting times ahead for youth football in the province and takes a look at his own career, whether Canadian players can thrive in fundamentally American leagues like MLS, the current state of the CMNT and whether Voyageurs have unrealistic expectations about how the country should be performing on the international stage.

    Following on from Dale we chat with <i>Sportsnet</i> and <i>MLSSoccer.com</i> correspondent Martin McMahon about the busy week for the Whitecaps and he gives us the scoop as to what he knows about where Paul Barber is heading next and what Bobby Lenarduzzi had to say about all of the rumours surrounding the Englishman’s shock departure.

    On top of all that, Pierce and myself review the many Whitecaps stories making the news in the last week including Barber’s resignation, Bryce Alderson winning the Canadian U17 Player of the Year, the re-signing of ‘Sicknote’ and the enigma that is Mustapha Jarju.

    Hopefully a little something for everyone, so go have a listen and let us know anything you’d like us to cover.

    Be gentle with us. It’s out first time. But we’ll be back for more next week, whether you want us or not.



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