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  • Martin Rennie: "We're Always Looking At Canadian Players"


    ccs-123494-140264011643_thumb.jpgWith the Whitecaps’ pre-season training now underway, the spotlight is firmly focussed on new boss Martin Rennie.

    As the Caps’ third Head Coach in their short MLS reign, everything Rennie does will be scrutinised, from his signings, to his tactics, to his man management skills, to his training techniques.

    Fans, media and players got to see the latter for themselves first hand today, and the reaction was all positive.

    Rennie himself was pleased with how it went:


    <i>”I thought it looked good. The guys have come back in good shape. The standards of the games were a lot higher than the last time I had a first day here, so I was pleased with that. And I think the guys enjoyed it too, so it was good.”</i>

    With the squad currently having five free spots, Rennie confirmed that the final roster is not yet complete, as he told the assembled press pack after today’s training:

    <i>”I think there’s still some work to do. Still got to look to make a couple of moves, and work on a couple of things, but I think we’re very close to where we want to be at this point in pre-season.

    First day and we’re in a good place. We’re not looking for a ton of changes, but there are certainly still some additions that we still need to make and we have time to do it.”</i>

    A creative, holding midfielder is still felt to be the main missing link right now. Who that will be is still unknown, but fans shouldn’t expect the person coming in to fill that role as a Designated Player. The Caps are in no rush to go out and fill Mustapha Jarju’s spot right now.

    With Philippe Davies also released on Friday, Vancouver’s Canadian contingent is at the bare minimum allowed. That minimum number is three, with Russell Teibert, Bryce Alderson and Alain Rochat the guys filling those spots.

    Many are critical of Vancouver for not signing Canadian players, and looking at internationals. As Martin Rennie explained to AFTN, it's simply not that easy, but they are looking:

    <i>”We’re always trying to do that. We are looking at some Canadian players right now to see if we can get them here.

    The issue is that the guys that would fit into our roster are really expensive. They’re under contract in Europe and they’re difficult to get here.

    We’re always trying to add to that. Obviously we’ve got young players coming through and those are a big part of our future, but we’re always looking at Canadian players and as soon as we can get one that we feel fits the bill, we’ll be for sure trying to get them.”</i>

    In the meantime, Rennie has to decide who of the current nine players trying to make the cut, will do just that. He talked about making “decisive decisions”. The Caps definitely have a man in charge who clearly knows what direction he wants his side to go.

    After last season’s seemingly rudderless ship at times, that can only be welcome by all of a blue and white persuasion.


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