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  • Johnny Leverón : Vancouver is "a team that is aspiring to do greater things"


    ccs-123494-140264017851_thumb.jpgBefore Johnny Leverón departed Honduras on Monday, he spoke with some members of the media at the airport about his move to Vancouver.

    The Honduran website <a href="http://www.diez.hn/Inicio/Ediciones/2013/02/17/Noticias/Leveron-viaja-para-unirse-al-Whitecaps#.USLvTh0p_N4" target="_blank"><u>Diez ran a piece on his departure</u></a>, with video of his impromptu airport press scrum.

    It was all <strike>Greek</strike> Spanish to us, so we got AFTN translator Maria Lopez to tell us just what he said.


    We've tweaked tiny bits of it to make it run better in English, but tried to keep it as true to the original as possible, quirks of language and all.

    It's not the most earth shattering of interviews, but there are a few interesting snippets in there.

    There may just have been a language difference, but it does seem to indicate that he wanted to come to MLS and wanted to see what his options were here, so Vancouver may have laid discovery rights on him to snag him ahead of other teams, although it may only be an initial one or two year contract.

    It's also good to see the player do his research on the Caps before he came. He will certainly find some Spanish speaking friends on the team and I'm sure he'll soon fit in to the team and the city.

    Anyway, here's the interview:

    Host: Johnny Leveron has his luggage ready to prepare himself for a whole new adventure. This time his destination will be Canada, and the team’s name is Vancouver in MLS. The Honduran tells us he feels very excited for this new project. Coming up next, take a look at what Johnny told us.

    Johnny Leveron: First I have to do a test. I have to do a physical test, medical tests and all routine I imagine it must be. That is why they called for me. To go take these tests and well, from there take a look at what is their decision, if all is settled. But practically everything is all finalized.

    Reporter: Johnny what influenced the decision that took you to MLS?

    Johnny Leveron: More than anything, truthfully, the first idea was to stay in the same team, but to tell you the truth we couldn’t get to an agreement with the team Motagua. And this opportunity presented itself to me going to the MLS. We were looking at the alternatives with the people from there, to see with which team I could play on. The same MLS team gave me an opening to be with them. More than anything what influenced me was my hopes and the hope of going abroad. It was that more than anything. That and also the team wanting me on their team. Some way or another is what they, or what I, will give to the team. Those will be the things that we will workout with them, about money, the years I plan to be with them.

    Reporter: Do you feel motivated by this project?

    Johnny: Truthfully, yes of course, yes. To tell you the truth I have always wanted to do this, go abroad. This a great team, a team that is just getting to the MLS, but either way it is a team that is aspiring to do greater things. And well lets hope I can be a part of that.

    Reporter: How is the physical part going?

    Johnny: Good, good. We have never stopped working, we have never… although we haven’t been on any game playing against another team. I have been practicing to my own rhythm, but either way I never stop practicing.

    Reporter: The tests, medical tests when will you have them done?

    Johnny: To be honest I really do not know. First I am travelling there and when I get there I am at their orders, to see what is needed, so that I can integrate myself with the team.

    Reporter 2: Besides the physical test and the contract being signed, do you have to do a sports test?

    Johnny: Well, more importantly I have to do the physical tests, that is right now the most important and from there everything is fixed.

    Reporter 2: What do you know of your new team, any good or bad coaches, any Latin Americans on the team?

    Johnny: I think there are a bit more Latinos. I have been looking and reading a lot about the team, and how they bring lots of Hispanics to the team but well right now I am only thinking on getting to know the team when I get there and take a look at which of them I can get familiar with.

    Reporter: What are the intentions of the contract, how long are you playing for them, two seasons or two years?

    Johnny: There are a lot of ideas going around, one or two years that is what is still on the table, but like I am telling you, the tests are the most important for now.

    Reporter 2: Also, more importantly it depends on your part because you might be called to play for you home country.

    Johnny: Let's hope. Let's hope I can be with my home country team again, because truthfully, that is, as a soccer player, that is what you hope to do once in your life. God bless, they call again and that moment will come whenever it comes.

    Reporter 2: Who is your manager or did you represent yourself?

    Johnny: My manager is Eduardo Pedemonte. He is this one we have been fixing up things with, also with the company Bay Soccer. We have been working with them and let’s hope to continue working with them, if all goes well.

    Reporter 2: And does he travel with you or you meet him there?

    Johnny: He travels with me, with all of us on the same plane. I am sure he will be here anytime soon.


    Johnny Leverón trained with the team in Charleston this morning. His medical obviously went well! He is likely to be a few weeks away from full fitness however.

    He may get a brief run out against Houston Dynamo tomorrow, but if he doesn't I'm sure we'll see him in Whitecaps colours against Chicago Fire on Saturday or Carolina RailHawks on Sunday.

    Don't forget to read our profile of Leverón and look at where he might fit in and whose expense <a href="http://www.canadiansoccernews.com/content.php?4206-Johnny-Leveron-joins-Vancouver-Whitecaps" target="_blank">HERE</a>.


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