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  • In The Cold Light Of Day: Temper, Temper


    ccs-123494-14026402192_thumb.jpgWe decided to wait a couple of days before doing our usual Vancouver Whitecaps post game analysis. You know, just until we saw if the medication wore off. Turns out though Saturday afternoon did actually happen and the Caps looked mighty impressive and a force to be reckoned with.

    The important thing here, and it's a message that Carl Robinson will be getting across to his troops, is let's not get too carried away just yet. One result does not a season make and feet should be kept firmly planted on the ground. It is hard though not to allow yourself some flights of fancy of just how good the 2014 Whitecaps could be.

    It was the nature of the win more than anything has excited success starved Caps fans and caught the attention of those outside of the city.

    If you'd asked the majority of pundits and fans what they thought one of the key talking points would be that they'd take away from the Whitecaps opener against the Red Bulls, tempering expectations may not have been all that high on their list.


    But that is now the position that the Caps and Carl Robinson find themselves in after an attention grabbing First Kick win on Saturday. It certainly wasn't perfect but it did put a spring in the step of everyone of a blue and white persuasion.

    If people weren't looking at the Whitecaps as serious playoff contenders before (and I was one of those in that camp), then Vancouver's 4-1 dismantling of New York has at the very least made people sit up, take notice and look closely at the squad that Robinson has put together.

    As we've discussed before on here and on the podcast, it's been a case of slowly, slowly catchy monkey this offseason. Or in this case catchy red bull. It's been a slow build and Robinson hasn't panicked. He's known the type of players he wanted to get. He's known exactly some of the players he wanted to get. And he's got them.

    There were a lot of unanswered questions for Vancouver going in to the game. Some were unanswered for now but it's far, far too early to say that we got definitive answers to any of them.

    How would new Designated Player Pedro Morales cope with the switch to MLS?

    Well a goal, an assist and a fantastic 25 minute performance would seem to indicate fairly well! But he'll have been pumped up by his debut and the occasion, and opponents haven't had a chance to see what they make of him yet. How he looks after a series of road games and cross country flights will give us the real answer. It was a mouthwatering start though and he's all but confirmed to be starting next week against Chivas.

    Can the Uruguayan pairing of Sebastian Fernandez and Nicolas Mezquida play without each other on the pitch and could they show what they've shown together with other members of the team?

    Again, another resounding affirmative. Fernandez was simply superb throughout. He won the official 'Man of the Match', grabbed a debut goal and is nominated for the MLS 'Goal of the Week', Not a bad start to your Whitecaps career. But it was a lot of the other work he put in that also impressed. He worked hard and moved well off the ball and when he came off and his compatriot came on, he did the same. Mezquida looked hungry, keen to impress and wants to be in that starting eleven. That's just what Robinson wants to see and he's created a midfield battle that will see the players push each other hard. How to keep them all happy and involved is his problem now.

    Can Kenny Miller stay healthy and have a real impact on this side?

    So far so good. He was another player looking hungry and as he told us in our <a href=" http://www.canadiansoccernews.com/content.php?5269-The-AFTN-Podcast-Episode-43" target="_blank"><u>recent podcast</u></a>, he's very content to be in Vancouver, happy in MLS and wanting to stay. I still have my doubts how healthy he can remain, especially with the horrible home turf. It's going to take it's toll, but let's enjoy form like that whilst we can.

    Where will the goals come from?

    Everywhere looks to be the initial answer. There's still the whole surprise element in there as opponents try and work out the new Caps players, but they have an attacking threat from all over the midfield and front line, and with Beitashour and Harvey also having the danger up the wings, they just need to work on a centreback actually getting a meaningful header in the box now and again to have the full attacking threat. That last point seems to just not be happening for Vancouver year upon year, no matter who is back there. What that will do for the team is to ease the pressure. Last year, if Camilo and Miller had an off day, the whole team did. This year, fine Miller and Fernandez have an off day, it's ok you have Morales, Mezquida, Manneh and others ready to pick up the gauntlet.

    What Darren Mattocks would turn up this season?

    Still too early to tell. His workrate and footballing brain off the ball seems to have improved, but his finishing hasn't. I made the comment during the first half that every time he was in front of goal, you just felt he wasn't going to put it away. And he didn't. This time. If he plays like that though consistently then it will come and it's another Erik Hurtado situation from last season. He just needs that first goal to come and he could be on fire this year. On the other hand, if he doesn't get it, like Hurtado, and keeps missing great opportunities, those doubt filling gremlins will start to creep in, he'll try too hard and turn into the selfish player we saw last year. His whole demeanour and attitude post-game was different though. He's coming across as a team player at last and his work on the Fernandez goal was first class.

    This time next month we'll be in a better position to see how these questions are taking shape.

    As we said at the start, great win but certainly not perfect.

    The defence wasn't tested too much, but there were times in the first half where you felt Vancouver were there for the taking. Jay DeMerit and Andy O'Brien had a couple of shaky and awry passing moments. Nothing too serious this time. Both players also have a tendency to be a bit handsy in the box and that is a worry with refs being told to clamp down on the manhandling.

    Then there was David Ousted for the goal. Losing a goal in stoppage time when you're cruising is always disappointing. Losing it to weak goalkeeping is even more so. You have to feel that Ousted gave O'Brien the shout that it was his ball on Lloyd Sam's cross. He then has to get there and was nowhere near it. Two mistakes in two games now and you just know there's people out there ready to pounce on him if this continues.

    The Caps created a lot of chances that they also didn't take, but if they want to create and miss a ton and still bang in four, I'll take that. As will I take bringing on even more attacking options when two or three goals up. No more killing off games with Matt Watson this season (although you do need to do that some times).

    I'm really interested to see how this midfield battle shapes up now and how Robinson handles the guys not playing much in all areas of the park. It certainly does put even more pressure on guys like Gershon Koffie and we continue to question his role and position on the team. And he's not alone in generating those thought with us right now.

    So the first game is out of the way. People have already forgotten about Rennie, Camilo and committees. The Caps couldn't have scripted it much better.

    That was some great football to watch but remember temper. The Caps beat Toronto 4-2 in 2011 and look how that ended up. Different animals in many ways, but it doesn't take much for a season to derail. That's not being pessimistic, just realistic.

    What we have now though is Robinson's next big test.

    Two away games coming up at opposite ends of the country. How will Robboball look on the road? Still attack minded?

    I'm not sure this team can actually play any other way.

    From watching Chivas' opener against Chicago, it's certainly shaping up to be a very attractive spectacle. Expect Latino flair and bodies hitting the ground all over the place.

    Don't miss it.


    <b><u>AFTN 3-2-1:</u></b>

    Our first 3-2-1 of the season is a tough one. So many interesting performances. A close one.

    <b>3 points:</b> SEBASTIAN FERNANDEZ - giving the Uruguayan the nod, not so much for his wonder goal but his all round workrate.

    <b>2 points:</b> KENNY MILLER - a brace would normally be enough to grab you the MOTM honours and our three points, and although he did put in a hard shift and had to track back a lot in the first half, I think overall Fernandez did that little bit more off the ball.

    <b>1 point:</b> PEDRO MORALES - He could have featured anywhere in that top three because they were 25 magnificent minutes. Goal and assist aside, he made 15 successful passes and worked his ass of in the short time he had.


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