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  • Field Of Dreams: A 2013 Footballing Wishlist


    ccs-123494-140264017391_thumb.jpgAnother year has come and gone. Another year older, another year wiser, another year wondering if we’ll ever win the Voyageurs Cup or a MLS Cascadian derby.

    As with every new year, we’re full of hopes, dreams, desires and too much chocolate.

    The dragon has gone, and we’re not talking about Long Tan. Now it’s time to get ready to shortly welcome in the Chinese year of the snake. And not just any old snake, but the Water Snake – surely an omen for a water named club like the Whitecaps!

    But will 2013 be a year of H<sub>2</sub>Woah or H<sub>2</sub>Oh for Vancouver?

    Last year we got together a mix of Caps players, pundits, writers and fans, sat them down with Gene Genie, who granted them <a href="http://www.canadiansoccernews.com/content.php?2634-A-Whitecaps-2012-Wishlist" target="_blank"><b>three Whitecaps wishes for 2012</b></a>, whether on field, off field, personal or a combination of all three.

    We thought we’d do it a little bit different this year, so the Genie is still granting three wishes for 2013 but this time around they’re allowed one Whitecaps wish, one wish for MLS or North American football, and one wish for one rule or thing they’d like to change in the game worldwide.


    To kick things off, here's my three wishes…

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    My Whitecaps wish is not simply just to win the Voyageurs Cup for the first time, I want us to then go on and have a deep run in the CONCACAF Champions League and still be in the tournament by this time next year.

    Would I take that over one playoff game and out? Hell, yeah. Would I take it over a deep playoff run? I’m not sure on that yet in all honesty.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    My wish for MLS and the game in North America is that all the powers that be get their heads together and get some proper and meaningful development games for the young talent that the Caps have.

    Ideally we’d be seeing reserve league match double headers (Sat/Sun) with every Western Conference weekend fixture (at the very least). It would be fantastic for travelling fans in particular to be able to see two matches for their money spent and I think help grow the interest in the no first team stuff.

    That would be my favoured option, but having another Whitecaps team to support in something like USL Pro, NASL or whatever would be close behind. Let’s hope something can happen and soon or the Caps risk losing even more of the talent they’re currently developing to overseas opportunities. Let’s also hope that games are scheduled at better days and times, where possible, to allow Caps supporters to not only read about the future, but to see it first hand.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    My wish for the world game is to change the stupid rule of booking a player for celebrating a goal.

    Are those in charge at FIFA so emotionally disconnected with the game now that they forget what the feeling of scoring a goal brings out in players and fans? Why would you want to put a cork in that?

    I sadly have to accept that carte blanche celebrations are probably a no-no, as someone, somewhere will spoil it for everyone by having some provocative statement written on their undergarments or will incite a riot for being too OTT in front of opposition supporters or will take money from a sponsor to give their product a plug in ambush advertising.

    Those I get, although really, does a booking make any difference as the offence has already taken place. Hit them in the pocket post-game.

    Scoring a match winner and running into the throng of your own loving fans should never merit a booking, whether you’ve whipped your jersey off or not.

    Let the players and fans bond and celebrate together, and let the passion and raw emotion remain in the game. Enough of it is already being continually sucked away.

    Ok, so off <i>my</i> high horse now. Let’s look at what others are wishing for in 2013…

    <b><u>Marco Carducci (Whitecaps Residency goalkeeper and Canadian U17 Player of the Year):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    My Whitecaps wish is that the first team build on their success from last season and go further into the post-season and that both residency squads qualify for the USSDA playoffs like we did last season.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    My wish for the game in North America is that we (the U17 national team) qualify for the World Cup in April and that the other youth and senior national teams are successful in the coming year.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    My wish for the global game is that simulation/diving is removed, especially in situations in the 18 yard box. Many games can be affected by simulation by players if the referee and assistants are unable to detect diving.

    <b><u>Peter Schaad (The voice of Whitecaps FC. Host of Whitecaps FC Daily on Team 1410):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    Easy. Host a playoff game. If the Whitecaps host a game in November, they'll have had another good year, which may include (gasp) an elusive win over a Cascadian rival. The buzz surrounding a playoff game in this city would be something special.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    I'd like to see resolution to the New York expansion situation. A shovel in the ground of a new stadium in Queens would be a huge deal for MLS. This has been speculation for so long...it would be a nice accomplishment, and then we can all move on to something else.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    FIFA needs to do whatever it can to stop simulation. Retroactive punishment has worked to a degree in MLS (although David Ferreira still got away with clipping his own heels and drawing a yellow from YP Lee back in July). The game is growing faster than any other sport...and the one thing that inhibits its growth, is the perception that soccer is a game of divers and cheats. Maybe MLS needs to take the lead, because it seems to be North America that has the biggest percentage of soccer bashers in the world...and it's all because of the flopping and rolling.

    <b><u>Steve Pandher (AFTN assistant editor):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    The one wish I have for the Whitecaps is a similar one that was unfulfilled from last season and that is for the Club to have more success in the Voyageurs and Cascadia Cups. In their two seasons as a MLS franchise, the Caps have yet to beat either Seattle or Portland collecting only three points in ten games. They have picked up a win against Montreal and Toronto, which came in the openers of each season, but that is about it. The Caps have made the final of the Voyageurs Cup the last two seasons but yet to win a game in four chances.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    On the national team front, I would like to have a chance to watch a friendly of a Canadian Men’s national team in Vancouver. It doesn’t have to be the number one side, as I’m willing to watch a U23 friendly or even the youth teams like U20 and U17.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    My world soccer wish would have better access to watch more league games from around the world on television. The loss of Serie A from The Score was a major disappointment, which became bigger when the new owner has no operational channel in Canada.

    <b><u>Christopher Vose (AFTN photographer):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    Challenge for the Supporters’ Shield

    In 2012, the Whitecaps jumped from 18th to 11th in the table, earning 43 points along the way. That was a fifteen point improvement on their previous mark. They’ll need at least that again to challenge for the Supporters’ Shield. Over the past ten seasons, it’s taken an average of 1.84 points per game, or 62 over a 34 game season, and never more than 2.00 and 68. That should be the goal. Boys, 68 points and you’ll be Champions.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    Back to the Balanced Schedule

    Simply put, the beautiful game deserves better. Last year, the League adopted an unbalanced schedule, and it suffered as a result. The unbalanced schedule depreciated the importance of the derbies, the Supporters’ Shield, and confused the table. Most think that the Western Conference had the better squads, but it was the Eastern Conference that took the most points between them. Don, let’s have a 36-match season.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    Tele Official

    When a match is being televised, an extra official should be present, watching the televised broadcast. This official would wear a headset, just like the rest. At the referee’s discretion, he or she may ask a simple yes or no question, and Tele Official will answer immediately with a yes, no, or I don’t know. This would not slow the game down one iota, and give the referee one more person, and several more angles, to consult.

    <b><u>Pierce Lang (Co-host of <i>West Coast Soccer Podcast</i>):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    My Whitecaps wish would be to see Caleb Clarke develop into a useful tool in MR's arsenal. He has all the tools and enthusiasm to take a big step in his career.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    I'm going to go with Caleb Clarke getting more game time in the bigs and getting a call up to the full national squad. Throw Ben Fisk out there against Edmonton while you're at it, I really want to see what these two "legit" homegrowns can do given the chance.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    Rule Changes? That's crazy talk unless they want to bring back the breakaway shoot out in regular season games so there are no ties ever. And use one of those oversized tennis balls only in the shoot out. Also, losing team has to line up on the goal line and let their own coaching staff fire shots at them. For 3 minutes. Can you imagine the first away shoot out loss on the east coast? Poor Napoleon with an ice pack on his ass when YP Lee goes to meet them at the airport. The word Classic comes to mind.

    <b><u>Steve Clare (Editor of <a href="http://www.prostamerika.com" target="_blank">Prost Amerika</a> - Cascadia's premier football website):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    No-one can say that the Caps didn't make progress in 2012! At the end though, the progress seemed to stall a little and they limped over the finish line and disappointed in the play-off match. My Whitecaps wish would be two fold:

    a) to see a steelier Whitecaps side that doesn't fold so easily under pressure.

    Within that, here are some subsections:

    I'd like to see a high profile forward actually settle in the side and start to build a lasting legacy of goal scoring achievements. Every time the Caps fans get a hero to laud, he leaves. More than anything, it's sloppy marketing. I'd also like the natural talent that Russell Teibert undoubtedly has to finally be unleashed on MLS.

    And lastly I'd like 'Big Bad Bob' Lenarduzzi never to change. It's perhaps hard from inside the Vancouver bubble to appreciate just how much of an asset he is to the sport, the city and the club; but it is highly apparent looking from the outside in.

    B) the second part of my wish is purely personal. I'd like somebody or something Scottish to actually succeed in Cascadia. I have a strong connection with the town of Larbert so I understand why anywhere on the planet seems like a metropolis to Martin Rennie.

    So I'd like to see Rennie, and if possible one of the Scots there rock this gig like Adam Moffat has impacted in Houston.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    MLS is doing well. I'd like to see the folk running it listen to supporters a tiny bit more as part of a slow and careful process of having them included on non commercial decisions. I'd like to see the Independent Supporters Council grow as well as the North American Soccer Reporters, of which I am the President. For MLS to evolve, there must also be strong parallel institutions not just weak rubber stamps to wheel out to give a fake impression of democracy. A strong independent journalistic sector and a strong voice for supporters can be an asset to the growth of our sport, far more than a danger to the current office bearers in institutions

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    Scotland to be given a five goal start.

    Seriously, I'd like to see an end to bigots and those filled with hate using football grounds as a launch pad for their lunacy, whether that be sectarian bigots in Scotland, or racists in St Petersburg. Football should be a force that unites people of all races and classes, not divides them.

    <b><u>Brett Graham (New President of Vancouver Southsiders):</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    As Meatloaf said "2 out of 3 ain't bad"; So two out of three of Voyageurs Cup, Cascadia Cup, and Playoffs (none-of this play-in BS).

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    MLS Reserve League gets expanded, to either a full schedule or as USL Pro Affiliates.

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    Leagues worldwide start handing out retroactive suspensions for diving.

    I also want to try some of Emily Zurrer's Waffles <i>(Ed – who doesn’t?!)</i>

    <b><u>A collective of football wishes from the Curva Collective:</u></b>

    <b>- Whitecaps wish:</b>

    Two words: stability and chemistry. We long for the first team to be shaped and formed as early as possible and for there to be a stability to the side. We would love for a deeper chemistry to develop within the squad. We’re headed into a third straight season where one of the keys things will be building cohesiveness in the locker room…we hope this is not an issue in July…or next pre-season. If this happens it will also allow for a stronger bond to continue to develop between players and supporters.

    <b>- MLS/North America wish:</b>

    Two more words: (increased) transparency and decentralization. It would be wonderful to know the actual figures behind the overly mysterious allocation money. Do we really need allocation rankings and weighted lotteries? Could more traditional methods not work in allowing clubs to acquire players (re)entering the League?

    <b>- The game globally:</b>

    One word: health. For the various governing bodies we would love to see them take bold steps to deal with some of the very serious issues, on and off the pitch, that marred the game in 2012. Corruption (matching fixing) would be a primary example. For clubs, we would love for them to be fiscally responsible. Too many put their existence in jeopardy by the way they live beyond their means. Some gamble and get away with it, but for others it has a long lasting impact on their club and ultimately its supporters. For players we hope they are able to be healthy. We are living in an era with outstanding players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo (whether you appreciate them or the sides they play for is another issue). Some would argue that we are witnessing the greatest footballer of all-time (little Leo). We hope that injuries/health would not stand in the way of more of the same in 2013 and beyond.


    So that’s the wishes of our esteemed panel. What would yours be? Share them below.

    Have a wonderfully happy, healthy and safe 2013 everyone. And may all your wishes come true.


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