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  • "There's Still Time" - The AFTN Podcast - Episode 6 (Guests: Greg Klazura, Schellas Hyndman, Martin Rennie and Andrew Bates)


    ccs-123494-14026401882_thumb.jpgEpisode six of <i>"There's Still Time"</i>, the AFTN podcast, and it's our first post game special.

    Recorded at BC Place after the Dallas game, Steve and myself are joined by Andrew Bates to chat about the comeback, the terrible defending, the diving, the missed opportunities and what the Whitecaps need to do to try and get a MLS win again.

    We have post game audio from Caps coach <b>Martin Rennie</b> about Darren Mattocks and Steve takes part in an interesting threesome with Dallas coach <b>Schellas Hyndman</b> and the Province's Marc Weber.

    Our main guest this episode is Vancouver Whitecaps' defender <b>Greg Klazura</b>, who made his season debut against FC Edmonton in the Voyageurs Cup on Wednesday. We have a fun chat to Greg about the Eddies game, how he's settling in to life in Vancouver, the frustrations of waiting for his MLS debut and of course his famous headband and faces. And just why was he wearing gloves in nine degrees weather?!


    And there's still time to look ahead to Wednesday and what may lie in store in the second leg against the Eddies and who we'd like to see the Caps face in the final.

    Going forward, we're planning to do several of these post game pods this season, with different guests and co-hosts, and a lot more audio from the locker rooms.

    You can listen to this week's podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/aftn/id628306235" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or download it for your later listening delight <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    We also have an iPhone app, so you can now add our podcast to your phone as an app. Visit the podcast's mobile site <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/mobile/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a> and then at the bottom of the screen just click the "Quick Launch" icon and the podcast will be added to your home screen and appear as an app.

    Or you could just listen on one of the players below!



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