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  • "There's Still Time" - The AFTN Podcast - Episode 2 (Guests: Gordon Forrest, Colin Miller and Devon Rowcliffe)


    ccs-123494-140264018341_thumb.jpgAnd they said it wouldn’t last.

    We’re back with Episode Two of "There's Still Time", the new AFTN podcast.

    There’s so many Scottish accents on this week’s show that you’ll feel you’re watching Braveheart.

    We’re joined by Whitecaps Residency Head Coach <b>Gordon Forrest</b>, for a chat about the program and how he’s found the Whitecaps since joining the club late last year. We look at some of the U18s top talent and try not to count our chickens too much by looking ahead to the USSDA playoffs in June.

    Moving a little bit east, we speak with ex Whitecap and current FC Edmonton boss <b>Colin Miller</b> about Edmonton’s NASL season that gets underway on Saturday. How will the Eddies wealth of Canadian talent fare this year? Can Miller transform them from worst to first? And what kind of impact will the strange mid season break have on the League? We chat about all that and more.


    We continue last week’s 'Bucket List' topic, around which football stadiums we want to visit before we leave this mortal coil, with the thoughts of <a href="http://groundhoppingca.wordpress.com/" target="_blank"><u>Groundhopping Canada's</u></a> <b>Devon Rowcliffe</b>.

    And there’s still time this week for Steve Pandher and myself to take a look back at Vancouver’s defeat to Chivas and look ahead to the San Jose game at the weekend. Will the Whitecaps away woes continue? Should there be some squad rotation? Or will the Caps’ speed have San Jose quaking in their boots? And just what do we make of Vancouver's month of March?

    Going forward, <i>"There's Still Time"</i> will adopt a number of different formats for forthcoming episodes. Some will be just pure chat, there will be some interviews, some episodes will be a roundtable down the pub style and we're also planning on bringing you some post home game specials. We may even throw in the odd "after dark" episode for those not easily offended.

    So enough waffle, there's enough of that in the podcast. Have a listen, let us know what you think and what improvements we can make or new segments we can include.

    And don't forget to tell us your 'bucket list' suggestions below.

    You can listen to this week's podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/aftn/id628306235" target="_blank">HERE</a>, or download it for your later listening delight <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or you could just listen on one of the players below!


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