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  • "There's Still Time" - The AFTN Podcast - Episode 10 (Voyageurs Cup and post game implications roundtable)


    ccs-123494-140264019273_thumb.jpgEpisode ten of <i>"There's Still Time"</i>, the AFTN podcast, and it's another special roundtable discussion, this time looking at the Voyageurs Cup and a look at what lies ahead this season for Vancouver Whitecaps.

    Recorded at the <a href="http://www.vancouveralpenclub.ca/" target="_blank"><b><u>Vancouver Alpen Club</u></b></a>, we're joined once again by <b>Zachary Meisenheimer</b> and <b>Massimo Cusano</b>, of Whitecaps' supporters' group Curva Collective, and AFTN writer <b>Jay Duke</b> to discuss the highs and lows of Caps season so far.

    There's lots of chat around the V's Cup final against Montreal, the importance of the Cup and how it's perceived by the general footballing public, and Zach gives us the first hand insight into what it was like addressing the Whitecaps players in the dressing room before the first leg.

    Moving on from the final, especially for those listening to the podcast after the game, we take a look at what lies ahead for the Whitecaps this season depending on whether they win or lose to Montreal. Just how significant will the push for the playoffs become? Where should the squad be strengthened in the summer transfer window? And who needs to make way for any new additions coming in?

    And there's still time to introduce our new segment <b>My Favourite Thing</b>. There's no songs from the Sound of Music, but we kick the segment off with a look at our favourite footballing years. Let us know your own ones.


    You can listen to this week's podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/aftn/id628306235" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or download it for your later listening delight <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>

    We also have an iPhone app, so you can now add our podcast to your phone as an app. Visit the podcast's mobile site <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/mobile/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a> and then at the bottom of the screen just click the "Quick Launch" icon and the podcast will be added to your home screen and appear as an app.

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