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  • "There's Still Time" - The AFTN Podcast - Episode 1 (Chivas, Residency v Seattle, FC Edmonton, Wes Knight and Bucket Lists)


    ccs-123494-14026401832_thumb.jpgWe've been planning on doing this for a while now, but have finally got off our asses and recorded one. So welcome to Episode One of "There's Still Time", the new AFTN podcast.

    In our inaugural episode, your hosts, Steve Pandher and myself, take a brief look back at the Houston defeat and look ahead to the Chivas game at the weekend. How dirty will the Goats be and should the Caps be worried? We get the thoughts of <b>Martin Rennie</b>, <b>Joe Cannon</b> and <b>Erik Hurtado</b>.

    We look at the Whitecaps scrimmage against Edmonton this week and catch up with former fan favourite <b>Wes Knight</b> to see how he's settling in with the Eddies and his Vancouver memories.


    And although the Caps are away on MLS duty this weekend, there is still a veritable feast of football for you to get out and watch. We preview the Residency's two big Cascadia derby games on Saturday against Seattle and have look at their season and standouts so far.

    And there's still time to introduce one of our many new features that will be popping up in our various podcasts, 'The Bucket List', which this week is all about groundhopping and stadiums around the world.

    Going forward, <i>"There's Still Time"</i> will adopt a number of different formats for forthcoming episodes. Some will be just pure chat, there will be some interviews, some episodes will be a roundtable down the pub style and we're also planning on bringing you some post home game specials. We may even throw in the odd "after dark" episode for those not easily offended.

    So enough waffle, there's enough of that in the podcast. Have a listen, let us know what you think and what improvements we can make or new segments we can include.

    And don't forget to tell us your 'bucket list' suggestions below.

    You can listen to this week's podcast on iTunes <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/aftn/id628306235" target="_blank">HERE</a>, or download it for your later listening delight <a href="http://aftn.podbean.com/" target="_blank"><b>HERE</b></a>.

    Or you could just listen on one of the players below!


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