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  • Women's league update


    Details of how the CSA plans to provide funding for up to 16 players for the new professional women's league are limited at this time.

    CSN contacted the CSA for clarification on where the funding was coming from, how much is expected and whether they were committed to providing the maximum amount of players with funding. A CSA spokesperson responded today.


    When asked if the money is new the spokesperson said that "not all of (the sources) had been finalized" and that "a lot of details had yet to be worked out."

    When asked if the money would be coing from the Canadian Olympic Committee money that the program receives the spokesperson indicated that they could not provide an answer at this time.

    However, they stressed that the funding was a priority and that they worked closely with the team to come to the decision to get involved.

    "What I can say is that this has been identified as a core priority by John (Herdman) and the technical staff and we are committed to making it happen," the spokesperson said.

    "We are committed to ensuring that it happens in a responsible way."

    The spokesperson confirmed that the CSA would take steps to make sure that other areas of the program would not be impacted by the funding.

    The spokesperson indicated that they would work with Herdman to identify what players would be funded and that it was their expectation that all 16 spots would be filled.

    "That's our understanding, but it's better asked of (Herdman)," the spokesperson said.

    The CSA will not be releasing details of how much each individual player will receive.

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