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  • What to do about the TFC?


    Aron Winter was blunt. Following the final whistle of Toronto’s last game of the first half of the season (unofficially, Toronto has already played more than half of its games), the coach said that no one on the club was safe. He would be making changes, through trade or signing.

    With that in mind, we undertake our midseason review of the Reds. However, rather than go about this in a traditional letter grade format we’re going in a different way. The player’s will be placed in four different categories:

    1) Bigger role – Winter needs to use this player more in second half of season if Toronto is to improve and set itself up for the future

    2) Same role – Winter is using this player about as effectively as possible and should continue utilizing him in same way moving forward

    3) Less role – Winter needs to scale down the amount that he is utilizing the player. TFC should keep him, but should not rely on them as a regular

    4) No role – Winter needs to ship them out of town, or back to the academy for more training.

    The rankings:

    [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK] More role

    Nana Attakora

    A lot has been said about Attakora and a lot has been speculated about his future. He did struggle on the ball early in the year and Winter wasn’t wrong to challenge him, but if he is healthy and not about to bolt to Europe (and I can’t imagine much interest now) then both sides need to get over themselves and get him back on the pitch.

    Alan Gordon

    Injuries have been the problem, but it’s clear: Alan Gordon makes this team better. Even with the recent additions up front Gordon has shown more than enough to demand that Winter find a way to keep him on the pitch when healthy.

    Doneil Henry

    No, I don’t want him starting every game, but if given the choice between a journeyman MLS player and a young Canadian that, as a home grown, won’t count against the cap moving forward I’m going to take Henry and the occasional error every time. The kid could be good and if the season continues down the path that it’s on (and the playoffs are out of the question in September) then I do want to see him out there every week.

    Milos Kocic

    Frei’s been great, but he’s looked tired the last two outings. Kocic should get some time in second half for the benefit of both him and Frei.

    Demitrius Omphroy

    They’ve developed him slowly in the reserves and by all accounts he’s shown well. Increasing his role doesn’t mean starting him. It just means getting a good look. We need to have a look.

    Ashtone Morgan

    Like Henry, Morgan has shown enough to deserve more minutes in the second half – especially if the season goes into the toilet.

    Gianluca Zavarise –

    Like Gordon, injuries have been the biggest thing holding him back. However, the club likes his tactically and attacking abilities and it’s likely that we will see a lot more of the Vancouver native in the second half. That’s probably a good thing, as he’s one of those domestic glue players that every successful MLS side needs.

    Same role

    Oscar Cordon

    Unlike Morgan and Henry, I think Winter has struck the right balance with Cordon. He’s been consistently used the same way all year and that should continue.

    Richard Eckersley

    Next to Frei Eckersley might be the first half MVP. You can’t really use him more and you don’t want to use him less. So, use him the same way.

    Jacob Peterson

    Peterson has surprised and emerged as a key player in Winters plans. I don’t expect, or want, to see that change in the second half.

    Julian de Guzman

    It’s next to impossible to have a rational conversation about de Guzman. And, although he might not warrant a DP slot, he most certainly deserves to be starting consistently. If he is still around in second half then he needs to be on the pitch. No more, or no less than he is now.

    Tony Tchani -

    Tchani has shown to be a solid professional with good upside. He’s been a regular and should remain so

    Dicoy Williams

    When he was healthy he was one of the most consistent defenders on the squad. If he can recover from injury, he should continue to be run out.

    Mikael Yourassowsky

    Yourassowsky is on the cusp between same role and less role, but his professionalism and adaptability makes him just useful enough. Every MLS team needs a “utility player” and Yourassowsky is that for the Reds. Although not irreplaceable, the position is not easily upgraded so it’s just as well to keep him around.

    Maicon Santos --

    All TFC fans would like to see more consistency from the Brazilian, but to get that you’ll need to run him out the same amount as we’ve seen in the first half.

    Nathan Sturgis – He’s a depth player being used as such. Carry on.

    Less role

    Danleigh Borman

    He’s not horrible, but when that’s the best praise you can come up with you might need to raise the bar. Fullback isn’t the most important area to upgrade during the break, but if a player is available then the Reds need to jump on it. Borman might be useful as trade bait.

    Stefan Frei -

    This placement is totally based on the need to give the man some rest from time to time.

    Dan Gargan

    Release the Gargan? Maybe, but not before reinforcements can be found. He lacks pace and is a basic player prone to a couple bad errors a game. However, his adaptability and intelligence might be enough to keep around. He just needs to be in a much smaller role. There is nothing wrong with Gargan as the 24th man on a winning team. Gargan in the starting XI is likely the sign of a losing team.

    Matt Gold

    He hasn’t really shown much in the (albeit limited) time he’s been on the pitch. We have no issue with keeping him around to play reserves, but he should not see the pitch for the first team. If there isn’t significant improvement by the end of 2012 training camp, then let him go in time to find a D2 side.

    Joao Plata – Plata is too small and too young to be effective in the grind of a season. He’s been brilliant at times, invisible at others. Winter had the right idea at the start of the year to work him in and out of the line-up. Hopefully, they can get back to that in the second half. He plays the type of game that could excel in the CCL.

    No role

    F Nick Soolsma

    Even if he wasn’t paid about twice what he’s worth and took up an international spot it would be hard to justify his continued employment. Perhaps exhibit 1A of how Winter underestimated the talent level of MLS.

    M Matt Stinson

    We’re not advocating for the young Canadian to be released, but he should not yet see first team football – it would be in no one’s interest. Find him time in the reserves, or back with the academy.

    D Ty Harden

    You can’t really get rid of him until you get help at the back, but it’s clear the Harden needs a change of environment to regain his confidence. Winter has asked way too much of him and that’s set himself up to fail. And fail he has.

    F Javier Martina

    Exhibit 1B of Winter’s failure to understand the talent level of MLS. The Portland game aside, he’s been next to invisible all season. You can do much better. You can especially do much better with an international spot.

    Not applicable – have not played enough, or are out with injury for season.

    M Elbekay Bouchiba

    D Adrian Cann

    F Keith Makubuya

    M Nicholas Lindsay

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