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  • We Sacked the CSA!



    The CSA voted unanimously today to undertake a four year process to fully professionalize its governance model.

    It wasn't perfect. Perfection would have been total change starting today. Actually, it was the least perfect outcome outside of a complete rejection of any reform. However, if you have been following the long and twisted history of CSA governance you'll understand that the change today was significant.


    The changes aren't scheduled to start until 2012 and due to wrap up by 2015 (speculate amongst yourself if the possibility of being part of the show at the 2015 women's World Cup played a role in the decision to defer). But the dates don't really matter. The screw is turning and the delay is the old guard's last grasp at holding onto old, ineffective models. Make no mistake today was an historic day for the sport in this country. As I wrote yesterday, it comes after four years of pressure from fans, players and the professional clubs.

    At the time of the Black Wednesday protest it was understood that "sacking" the federation was not meant to be literal. Rather, it was a call for a sacking of old attitudes and power interests. There was never going to be an eureka moment for the movement, but today came close. The attitudes we fought against that day were shown the door today. Even the most resistant to change -- Quebec, Alberta, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland all voted against the more aggressive reform proposals -- seem to understand that attitudes have changed. In the end even those provinces voted for reform.

    Believe it: We really did Sack the CSA!

    There is still work to be done. How the board of directors is set-up in 2012 will be interesting and there is still the potential of provincial attitudes ruling the day when future boards are selected. However, those that have demanded change up to today seem unlikely to ease up now. Change will happen.

    Actually it did - today. So, enjoy it Canadian fans. Work can wait until tomorrow. Celebrate today because we've earned it.

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