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  • Toronto FC 2007-2013 RIP



    That’s Toronto FC’s form over the last 25 games. I’ll save you the math. It’s 11 points, or 0.44 points per game. Over a 34 game MLS schedule it’s on pace for 15 points.

    A 15-point season in a 34 game schedule would be the worst season in MLS history. The 1999 MetroStars had 15-points in 32 games, which is the current low water mark in MLS history.

    It’s bleak. We all know it’s bleak. Everyone knows it’s terribly bleak.

    But, it’s still shocking to see in print. ONE win in 25. Absurd.


    BMO Field used to be an intimidating place to play. Although the team was mediocre (and they were closer to mediocre the first three years than terrible), the crowd was first rate. It was loud and refreshed and passionately partisan.

    Now, those that remain are there for a day out in the sun. I overheard two English accents talking last Sunday, away from a TFC crowd. The conversation was about the Reds and why one of the accents still bothered to go.

    “I like the people that sit around me,” was the answer. “We really only watch the game when the play is close to the goal.”

    “It’s not like we take it seriously.”

    It’s not like we take it seriously. That could be TFC’s season 8 motto at this rate.

    TFC season 8: It’s not like you should take it seriously!

    The question that was bouncing around my head in the moments following TFC’s 1-0 loss to Columbus wasn’t about how the Reds could turn 2013 around. I’ve about given up on that. It wasn’t even about whether 2014 would be better – I’m not sure what evidence you’d point to that would suggest that it will. No, it was far bleaker than that.

    I was wondering whether TFC was dead.

    It sounds dramatic, but I’m starting to think that this team has gone completely off the cliff. Winning won’t bring fans back, I don’t think. At least not immediately. Only sustained winning could possibly do that and no one sees how that’s possible.

    Actually, and I’ve never been a fan of putting it this simply, the only thing that might bring back excitement is if MLSE sells the team to another local investor.

    Sadly, I came to a conclusion on Saturday. TFC is dead.

    We need to rebuild it again. We can; see TFC is dead, not soccer in Toronto.

    Soccer in Toronto has always survived. It will survive TFC as well.

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