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  • The story of Jesse Marsch and the Impact


    Patrick Leduc of La Presse has published a remarkable story today looking at the circumstances surrounding Jesse Marsch’s firing.

    It’s best you read it in French if you can, but a brief English summery of what was reported is below the jump.


    Leduc reported:

    • The Impact were willing to bring Marsch back in 2013, but only if he met certain ultimatums from ownership.
    • Ultimately it was Marsch that decided he could not work in that environment.
    • In 2012, based on the overall league trend, the Impact decided that it was best to hire a MLS experienced manager.
    • At that time, they liked a lot about Marsch – especially his charisma and how he embraced the culture of Quebec and Montreal.
    • However, Marsch was stubborn and not much interested in taking advice from above.
    • Regardless, based on a combination of naivety and insecurity, the Impact gave Marsch carte blanche to start the year.
    • It was Marsch’s decision to draft Brian Ching. The Impact were not happy with how that situation played out.
    • Management was also disappointed with the Eddie Johnson and Donovan Ricketts signings and with Marsch’s resistance to playing Patrice Bernier early in the year.
    • As a result of those concerns, management took control of all player signings in mid-season.
    • Nick De Santis then became the person most responsible for shaping the Impact’s roster. It was at this point that the Impact focused more on Serie A veterans and less on established MLS players.
    • The final straw may have came following the season, when management replaced the fitness and goalkeeping coaches that Marsch hired.
    • In a meeting following the season Marsch gave the Impact an ultimatum – full authority, or he would quit.
    • The decision was made at that time to part ways and a press conference was called for the next day to announce that the two sides had agreed it was in their best interest to move on.

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