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  • The absurdity of Torsten Frings


    That Torsten Frings plays for Toronto FC is absurd.

    Unbelievable, really. This is a player that was part of the global elite throughout the late 90s and early 00s. He was part of the spine of the German national team and would be instantly recognizable in any major city in the world outside of North America.

    Yes, he’s on the back-end of his career, but he could still perform at a high level and most certainly could have made more money outside on MLS.

    He came to Toronto to blend in. There are a lot of soccer fans in the city, but they are spread out and generally maintain a certain Canadian modesty when it comes to approaching celebrity.

    Perhaps that’s why Frings doesn’t get the attention that he deserves. If you were to ask a casual sports fan who the most accomplished professional athlete currently playing for a Toronto team was he’d likely be overlooked.

    It’s Frings though. It’s not even close. Actually, he’d be on a short list of most accomplished professional athletes to ever play for a Toronto team.


    In soccer only Eusébio compares.

    Basketball would add Vince Carter and, despite how poorly he played while here, Hakeem Olajuwon.

    Baseball probably adds the biggest names to the debate. Roberto Alomar, Dave Winfield, Roy Halladay, Paul Molitor and Roger Clemens are all superstars that once wore the Jays cap.

    Oddly (and tellingly), hockey doesn’t add much to the conversation. There have been very good Leafs, but few that would be truly world class.

    This conversation is hardly scientific and I’m sure I’m missing someone. So, what are your thoughts? Where does Frings rate in terms of an all-time ranking of most accomplished professional athletes to represent Toronto?

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