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  • TFC is dead; long live TFC


    The last man standing from the great Dutch philosophy that TFC told us was going to be their trademark for generations has been fired. As first reported here, Tomas Rongen was replaced by Greg Vanney at the TFC Academy today.

    For those keeping score at home, it was 1,070 days from the grand promises of 4-3-3 glory until the club had completely turned over everyone associated with the experiment.

    Before we move on let's take a moment to reflect on that.


    Winter was a very nice man and the idea of Toronto playing some sort of beautiful game was very appealing. Far too many of us wanted to believe it was possible to pull off. Hindsight suggests it was one of the worst management decisions in MLS history. It perfectly summarizes how gullible and clueless senior management was at MLSE.

    They really had no clue how to win in MLS. Zero. It's almost impossible to be as bad as TFC has been.

    A total cleansing was needed and, as of today, has been completed. With that it's time to stop evaluating current management with the decisions of past management. The only thing that connects current management to past is the name of ownership--see, MLSE is different now too.

    Unless you believe the city is actually cursed there is no evidence that TFC is incapable of making good decisions. None. Signing Mista is irrelevant to any and all discussions about the team now since it's the same team in name only.

    Realistically the clean break happened when Kevin Payne was fired, but symbolically today was the day.

    You've been freed of your past TFC fans. It's going to be a struggle for most to forget that past or to believe that it is irrelevant to future, but it really is.

    As Ben Knight used to say, Onward!

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