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  • Something everyone can agree on: standing up to corruption in CONCACAF


    Long-time readers of my work will know that I have a certain, um, history with a certain Ohio-based blogger. However, I’m not so petty to not recognize the work this blogger has done over the years in exposing FIFA and CONCACAF corruption. Actually, as I’ve written before, it’s that work that makes his otherwise typical ad hominem style so damn infuriating.

    But enough about that. I’m evoking Voldemort’s name today to offer some support for a worthwhile endeavour he, along with Bruce McGuire of Du Nord, are promoting.

    The background:


    As many know CONCACAF and FIFA are in the middle of a corruption scandal. At the heart of that scandal was a special meeting of the Caribbean members of CONCACAF where $40,000 bags of cash were handed out to each of the delegates on behalf of Jack Warner and Mohamed bin Hammam. I’d add allegedly to that sentence except the representative for Bahamas took a photograph of said bag of money before returning it. That photo was sent to Chuck Blazer, who used it to start the mess that we are currently in.

    Since that time a special investigation has been launched, lead by an American investigator. The Caribbean members are mostly refusing to cooperate with this investigation, evoking anti-American attitudes to bring people onto their side.

    As you can imagine there is a lot of pressure being out on Caribbean members that are looking to do the right thing by telling the truth. So, my friend in Ohio is suggesting that people send words of encouragement to those federations to make sure they stay onside.

    The best knowledge is that, in addition to Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Turks & Caicos and Surinam are resisting the pressure.

    If you agree that it’s important to hold the bribers responsible for this then send a quick note to the following encouraging them and gently reminding them of the importance of this.

    The addresses:

    Bahamas - info@bahamasfa.com

    Cayman Islands - cifa@candw.ky

    Bermuda - David Sabir - General Secretary -dsabir@bermudafootball.com

    Turks & Caicos - Christopher Bryan – president - chris@projetech.tc

    Surinam - svb@sr.net

    Puerto Rico - info@fedefutbolpr.com

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