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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Wasted opportunities


    There is no point being angry at Dwayne De Rosario for his forced exit from TFC. No, that would be a misplaced emotion. You’d be better off just feeling sad.

    DeRo is likely the most purely talented Canadian soccer player of at least his generation. The argument can be made for all-time. He can do things with the ball that you generally associate with those born in San Paulo, Turin or Buenos Aires

    Canadians that excel in this sport tend to be like Jason de Vos – big, tough and intelligent with an unmatched work ethic. They don’t get by on instincts and flare. But, DeRo did and that’s why he was so watchable.


    However, you’ll note that the argument is not being made that he is the best Canadian footballer of all time, or even his generation. Most talented and best being different things. DeRo is a freelancer, almost impossible to slot into a system and in the wrong setting a nightmare to coach. One of Stephen Hart’s greatest accomplishments as manager of the national team is he somehow gets DeRo to do what he’s told (and gets better results out of him for it).

    Although he’s always good for one of two dramatic track backs a game – almost for show – he does tend to be a defensive liability as well.

    The cheque writing episode of 2010 epitomizes all that is DeRo. He scored a brilliant goal, pulling TFC back into a game. Then he followed it up with a selfish act (the celebration) before ending it by dropping a defensive assignment and allowing San Jose to score the goal that pretty much nailed the playoff coffin shut for 2010.

    He could have been so much more. He could have grabbed a hold of this city and dragged its still reluctant majority into BMO Field and made them like it. He could have been the face of the team for three or four more years and maybe even have lead the team to a championship.

    If he had done so it would have been a first. See, DeRo is not a leader and has never been the main focus of any of his championship teams. He’s an extra piece that completes a championship puzzle. He isn’t who you build the team around. That much is clear now.

    He’s going to be brilliant in New York. No longer the face of a team he can go back to being a creative genius without any other responsibility. He probably will win another MLS Cup and no one would be shocked if he was a big part in the win.

    Toronto is likely better off too although it will take a while for that to be clear. What is clear tonight is that DeRo – Scarborough’s own – has wasted his best chance at being special rather than merely talented.

    Too bad.

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