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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Ugly math


    TFC has played nine of 17 home games so far. They have 11 points, or 1.22 points per game in those contests.

    On the road it’s a little more bleak. With just two points in five games, or a 0.4 points per game average they are on pace to pick up about seven points on the year away from BMO Field.


    The math on the home games comes out to about 21 points.

    So, after tonight’s horrible 0-0 draw against Kansas City the Reds are on pace to get about 28 points on the season.

    That’s not going to put them in a playoff spot, or even, likely, in a playoff race.

    This is the stark reality of TFC’s season. Unless a completely unexpected turn around happens they are pretty much done on June 5th. You don’t want to write off any team this early in MLS – a lot can happen and the summer transfer window isn’t open yet – but it sure looks like the only battle TFC fans will be able to watch is to see whether they finish ahead of Vancouver.

    Talk about your consolation prizes.

    (If you’re at all interested in that “battle,” the Caps are on pace for 24 points right now)

    What do you do with that?

    There is no easy answer to that question. It isn’t the current management’s fault that Mo Johnston sold the TFC fans a bill of goods for four years, but he did and they need to live with it. Most fans don’t have any patience to put up with another losing season at all, let alone what looks to be shaping up to be the worst ever. Some will cancel their season tickets. Those that don’t, will renew with limited passion and show up less often.

    It’s all a bit depressing.

    I could lecture you on how this was always going to be the case this year, but no one wants to hear it. I don’t even want to hear it.

    The truth is we do need to find a way to enjoy the small victories this year, but that logic isn’t for tonight. No, tonight we wallow and lament what isn’t to likely be.

    And that’s OK.

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