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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Three points. Period


    There is still a lot of work to be done.

    That was the second thing out of Aron Winter’s month at the post game press conference following TFC’s 2-0 win yesterday. And, he’s right. There is. Portland is a pretty bad team – maybe the worst in the league – and Toronto allowed PDX a lot of the ball at times.

    Still, three points.

    That’s kind of the bottom line. So, if you are inclined to look for the negative from today you might want to reconsider. Less than 48-hours ago there were people legitimately wondering if the Reds would win a game this year. Today, they are 1-1 with an even goal differential.


    To quote Mr. Robert Marley: Don’t worry about a thing ‘cause every little thing is gonna be alright.

    TFC will win some games this year and it will lose some. It will be one of those teams in MLS that is just kinda there. How you as a fan enjoy them is really up to you.

    Winter has been clear that this is a long-term plan. The end game of what they are trying to do is to win a championship. If they can pull that off, then it’s probably worth some frustrations from time to time.

    Although they could have played better, today wasn’t one of those frustrating days. So, enjoy it.

    The first thing out of Winter’s mouth by the way was “it’s good to get a win, that’s what is important.”

    Having spent some time today with both the Red Patch Boys and U-Sector I got the impression that TFC fandom has entered a new, mature phase. The frat boys are gone and it’s no longer a keg party. Maybe not every game will be a sell out. Maybe not every game will be wild and crazy.

    However, those that are in the stands will be there for the football and for the club. Maybe that’s a good thing. The party of 2007 was special, but it was never going to last forever. If what we saw today was the new reality, well, that’s still pretty good. There weren’t 20,000 plus like was announced, but the crowd was decent – much better than many other markets. So we should stop worrying about it. The club isn’t going anywhere.

    Except for maybe up in the standings...but it’s probably too early to predict that. After all, It’s been a strange little ride through four years. So, as stated, let’s just live in the moment today.

    And that moment is three points.

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