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  • Sober Second Thoughts: TFC wins the double


    It’s not about the silly cup. It’s not even really about the three points. Yesterday’s historic 4-2 win over Columbus was about something far more precious than either of those things. For many TFC fans it was a respite from the frustration, a slice of joy in an otherwise bleak season.

    For 90 minutes it felt like old times (sad that a 5-year-old team already has “old times” but it’s the case). TFC mattered and, more importantly, there was something that you could look at and find hope. Before the game Aron Winter said that the game would be a bit of a preview of what to expect from the Reds in 2012 – a subtle acknowledgment to the painfully obvious fact that there will not be playoffs at BMO Field for a fifth straight year – and the early returns are....alright.


    Just alright – the back is still a train wreck -- but they were full measure for the win. In the first half especially the Reds were truly bossing the game against a team that is allegedly the best in the east. The rest of the conference isn’t going to become world beaters overnight so it’s not unreasonable to suggest that a couple tweaks are all that TFC needs to be competitive.

    But, those discussions are for another day. Today is time to reflect on a game that made Reds fans smile, sing and generally rediscover the reasons why they care. At the Duke of Gloucester pub in downtown Toronto a group of about 50 TFC fans stood up and sang for the last 10 minutes of the game. That was the norm back in 2007-2008, but has been rare in recent days. I’m sure there were similar scenes at other TFC pubs in the city.

    Happiness matters and last night TFC fans were happy – not because they won a tin trophy or beat a team they had never beaten before but rather because their team made them feel good.

    Toronto fans can be a cynical bunch. No one was cynical last night. No one should be. I mean, after all, we just won a double.

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