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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Terrible Football Club goes to Mexico


    Do I have to?

    Ok, fine. You want to know what I thought of last night’s 4-0 Champions League loss to Pumas? I didn’t see the fourth goal because I was walking back to the house from the pub that I was planning on watching the game from. I lasted a bit over 33 minutes before I left. I’d seen enough.

    I had the rest of the game on, but don’t ask me to break it down. I was playing on my phone.

    That’s how I felt about yesterday’s 4-0 loss to Pumas in the Champions League. It was so bad I couldn’t watch and I can watch a lot of bad soccer.

    Out worked, out classed, out everything. It was as bad as TFC has been in this bad year. What, really, is there to say beyond that?


    Well, other than it needs to be much better by the time next year’s Champions League rolls around. And, make no mistake – not making the Champions League in 2012 is unacceptable. Toronto has asked fans to be patient in this rebuilding year with the promise of better days ahead in 2012 and 2013. In moments of sober reflection most TFC fans can accept that – so long as the promise is fulfilled. Beating out Edmonton, Montreal and Vancouver for the Voyageurs Cup is the least that should be expected next year.

    Bringing it back to this year, you have to accept that the Reds are an unfinished project. Pumas likely represents the best team they will play this year and an old fashioned ass kicking isn’t all that surprising. If TFC didn’t look disinterested last night (in the first half anyway), it’s likely that most fans could bite the bullet and move on.

    However, the lackadaisical effort demands to be addressed and, based on the slight improvement in the second half, it’s likely the coaching staff agreed and told the players as much.

    Toronto sports fan have proven time and time again that they will put up with losing. A lack of effort though...

    That will never fly.

    Hopefully that’s a lesson the players understand as they prepare for two home games in five days.

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